Real English:Whip,第1张

Real English:Whip,第2张

The script of this programme 本节目台词

Producer/Presenter: Vicki Sullivan

Vicki: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Vicki

Lilly: Hi. I’m Lilly, 欢迎收听《地道英语》

Vicki: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Lilly: 和汉语一样,英语里也是有着非常多的成语和俗话的,所以要想能听懂英国人日常的说话聊天,就一定要知道他们常用的通俗词语。

Vicki: And today’s word is whip-round W-H-I-P hyphen R-O-U-N-D

Lilly: Whip-round. 什么意思?

Vicki: Well if you do a whip-round, you collect money from a group of people – everyone puts some money in.

Lilly: 阿,原来就是召集大家交钱,凑份子,没错吧?

Vicki: For example, you might do a whip-round to buy a joint present for someone.

Lilly: 这的确是个好主意,中国人其实也经常采取凑份子的方法,把钱集中起来,以集体的名义为某人买件像样的礼物,比如,结婚、或生孩子等等

Vicki: Or you could do a whip-round to pay for something as a group

Lilly: 我们来听听下面的生活对话.


When I was at university we wanted to get a kettle so we could make our own tea in between lectures, so we did a whip-round all the students in my class and bought one easily.

Lilly: 从用法上来说,whip-round 是个名词短语,可以说 to do a whip-round.

Vicki: That’s right, you say “to do a whip round”.

Lilly: Vicky ,你说说,什么样的人喜欢参与A whip-round? 凑份子呢?

Vicki: Well often we do them at work – if somebody is leaving, or unwell we do a whip-round to buy them a present or some flowers.

Lilly: 前面的对话中还提到凑份子买礼物的做法在大学生中也特别流行。

Vicki: Yes, people who don’t have much money individually, like students might do a whip-round to buy something they couldn’t afford unless they all contribute.

Lilly: 好了,大家来说说看,我们今天的新词语是什么?

Vicki: whip-round

Lilly: 对了,就是大家凑份子,一块为某人买礼物的意思。Vicki: That’s all we have time for today.

Lilly: 别忘了,大家可以随时登陆BBC学英语网站,了解更多信息和资料,我们的网址是


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Lilly: 当然,我们还可以在下周的节目中再会了!

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