

Read and think about the following statements:

  People are never satisfied with what they have. They always want something more or something different.

  Do you agree or disagree? Use reasons to support your answer.


  一 条件: 两句话表明一个观点/人们对已有的从不满足/人们总想获得更多或不同的东西

  二 要求: 对此观点,你是否同意? 说明为什么.

  三 写作分析: 此题涉及人的欲望问题,也就是普遍的人性问题.根据我们作为常人的感觉,体重的观点是正确的,应表示同意,同时也可加以分析,区别不同的人. 人的欲望可广泛理解,金钱物质是一方面,其他还有求知欲,对美的追求等.写时应从具体的例子着手,多举几个例子说明自己的观点,以便使人信服. 这种文章难以将人性问题说清楚,只能为写文章而写文章,使文章组织合理,言之有理即可.

  I think the statement is true. It is human nature to seek more and to want something different. There are many instances in our daily life that can verify this.

  We can take huamn's basic need for food as an example. When a man is starving, his greatest desire is to have something to eat, anything that is edible. After this basic desire is satisfied and when he no longer worries about his next meal, he will feel that his food lacks quality. After this problem of quality is solved, he will complain that his meal lacks variety of taste. He wants better and better meals that keep changing and his desire can never be satisfied.

  Other huamn desires follow the same pattern. We do not wnat to ware the same clothes all the time and we want better and better cars. Soon after we have bought a color TV set to replace the quite new black and white one, we wish to have a bigger and better color TV set. Of course not all human beings are the same, but we reveal these insatiable desires in differrent ways. For instance, some people try to climb up socially or politically all the time. They never feel satisfied even though others feel that they have succeeded. It is just like man's desire for money, which can never stop.

  Good or bad, this human nature has been the impetus to the development of huamn society. Markets have flourished because we want more and better goods. The development of science and technology has never stopped because of our desire to discover more nd more. And social and political organizations have been improved constantly owing to our endless demand for a better place to live in. If man has been easily satisfied, the human society would still be at primitive stage.



  第一段: 同意题中观点,指出人性所定

  第二段; 举食欲一例说明

  第三段: 泛举其他欲望为例

  第四段: 欲望与社会发展的关系

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