My Mother School,第1张

My Mother School,第2张


  母校是培养自己成长、成才的地方。请以“My Mother School”为题,写一篇100单词左右的英语短文,向别人介绍你母校的地点环境,老师同学,教学条件和你对母校的深切感情。


  My Mother School

  Our school is situated in the outskirts. But transportation is convenient and the enviroments are pleasant. Great hills lie in the back of the building and before us is the great blue sea ,where we go swimming after classes.

  Life in the school is full of variety and interest. All our teachers are rich in knowledge and of good character and they teach us very earnestly. Therefore, we have always done better work in joint examination than students of other schools.

  Our school is like a large family. The teachers are like parents and elder brothers and sisters and students are like children and younger siblings. All live happily together.

  My middle school life has been the best part of my life. I have learned many things from my teachers and received assistance from my schoolmates. All in all, studying in our school is a great privilege. Students always remember their mother school after graduation.


  本文是给题作文,先从母校的外貌写起,有山有海,然后在写母校的老师和同学,他们象父母和姐妹兄弟一样爱护和帮助自己,最后用总结性的话:“my middle school life has been the best part of my life

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