A Football match,第1张

A Football match,第2张


  假设五月一日,你在市体育馆(the city stadium)观看了一场足球比赛。请你写一短文,利用你平日最喜欢的球赛,记叙比赛经过。


  A Football match

  In the morning of May 1st, a football match took place between Shen Hua Team and Guo An Team in the city stadium. When I got there the stand was already packed with spectators.

  The match was exciting. A home player got hold of the ball and kicked it miles over the bar. Towards the end of the match, a forward got a chance to give the ball a hard kick and it skidded straight into the back of net over the goalkeeper.

  The crowd went wild, laughing, jumping and shouting loudly.

  When I was on my way home, my heart was still full of excitement.



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