




  Three Monks

  After having a heated quarrel about which two should go to fetch drinking water, the three monks dropped the barrels and the pole, and sat down on the floor of the old temple. Feeling wronged and acting rashly, they turned their back to each other, and none of them either moved or spoke.

  Actually, with a pole and two barrels, one monk could carry water on his shoulder.

  To monks could carry a barrel of water, each using equal force. But with three monks, no water could be fetched. What's wrong with them? They each tried to spare his own labor and shovel the burden to the other two. No one wanted to get the worst of it.

  Simple as the story is, it teaches us a very good lesson. Selfishness is such an evil quality that it can make people amount to nothing in any undertaking. To bring the work to success, we need the kind of people, who, stinting no effort, are willing to make selfless offers to others.


  该文前两段主要是讲述故事,详略得当,重点突出,语言生动,且三个和尚坐在庙里互相赌气的情景被描述得栩栩如生。末段对故事的寓意把握准确,语言简明。本段三句话分别用了三种句型,“Simple as the story is ”这一转句起到了承上启下的作用,而“such…that”这一句型以及以不定式作状语和宾语从句的使用,则加强了语言表达的效果。

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