Speaking English,第1张

Speaking English,第2张

My English teacher Stone always asks us to speak English in our spare time. So we begin[have begun](1)to speak English when we are chatting with each other in our dormitory. I find it not only helps us with our English study but brings us a lot of fun as well.

  One day, after I finished the evening class I went into the dormitory. As soon as I entered the room, one partner[a student who is one of my partners when we practise speaking English](2)said to me loudly, “Hi!”I was very surprised because we had always spoken Chinese before.“But——is she mad today? Why does she speak in English?”After a while, I smiled,——the teacher advised us to speak English, and she obeyed the rule[followed the advice](3)。 So I also replied loudly,“Hi!”At that time, another student said shyly,“I want to go to, to, to…do you know how to say'Ce Suo’(厕所)in English?”“W. C. ”“Oh, I see. I want to go to W. C. Is there anybody else who wants to go with me?”“No, No, we don't want to go, you go there yourself.”“What a pity!”She made a face and then went alone.

  Another evening, I asked,“Do you know how a sheep eats food?”But I said/i/when said pronounced the letters“ee”[pronounced“ee”in the word“sheep” wrongly as/i/](4), so all of my friends laughed. One of them said,“Can a ship eat?”“Oh, sorry, I made a mistake. I mean how a sheep has food.”They didn't know. I said proudly, “OK, let me tell you. Listen carefully. First it eats like…and then…”I couldn't speak English very well, so I had to use Chinese sometimes to make things clear. But I did speak more English than ever before. After I finished my talk, they couldn't help laughing but they said it was very good and they also thought they had learned a lot…

  In my opinion, speaking English in our spare time is a good and effective(有效的)way of improving(提高)our spoken English. We can talk about everything we like to. We don't need to worry about making mistakes. We can help each other. We can get more knowledge from talking with each other and it can also bring us much fun.

  My dear friends, why don't you try to do that?

  江苏省如皋市白蒲中学高一(9)班 陈绍娟

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  (2)原文没作任何交代,就出现one partner,语义不清。



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