My Collection,第1张

My Collection,第2张

Now a lot of people like to collect something, for example, stamps or coins (硬币)。 I'm also a collector and my collection is telephone cards (电话磁卡)。 Now, I have over one thousand cards. These are related to almost every part of the world [Each of them is a beautiful picture depicting almost every aspect of the world] (1): buildings, scenery, animals, plants and works of art. Everyone [Each of them] (2) has its own character.

  The first card I'd like to tell you about is a cartoon picture named “Merry Christmas”。 It describes [portrays] ( 3 ) what children are doing on a very happy Christmas Eve: some are sending presents to their friends while others are decorating (装饰) a Christmas tree with lovely ornaments (装饰物)。 All over the ground is thick snow that has become colorful under the lights. However, (4) this little card shows a scene of great joy. I assure [am sure] ( 5 ) that everybody can't help feeling warm in winter on seeing it [this card] (6)。

  Most of my telephone cards are of a complete set (完整的一套)。 A certain set I like best is of some exquisite (精美的) photographs of the world's famous scenic spots. They are so vivid that each time I glance over them, it seems as if I were travelling around Paris, New York, Sydney and other beautiful cities. Through them, I can comprehend [know a lot more about] (7) the world without going abroad.Providing me with knowledge and enjoyment, the telephone cards have not only increase my insight [helped me to know the world better ] ( 8 ) , but also enriched my life. In the future days, they'll always accompany me as my good friends.

  上海市李惠利中学高二(3)班 滕加琪

  评 语


  (1)原句 be related to 的含义不清,有中国式英语之嫌,故改之。

  (2)everyone合在一起写时,意为“每个人”。改为each of them 与上句呼应,增加文章气势。

  (3)根据 Longman 词典,describe 一般表示用“文字描述”,这里是指图画,故改之。


  (5)assure的意思是 make sure,cause to believe,这里应该改为 am sure 较符合上下文的意思。

  (6)it这里指代不清,指明 this card为好。


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