On the Choice of Books,第1张

On the Choice of Books,第2张

If we make the right choice of books, reading can offer us the greatest pleasure.

  There are many kinds of books. Books on history, philosophy(哲学),travel and science should have their place in our bookshelf [on our bookshelves](1)。Sometimes reading them is very dull, but they really do us good.For[,for](2) they give us education and make us substantial(富裕殷实)in content (内容)。

  Books on literature(文学) are mostly fascinating(迷人的)。When we get tired,it is healthy to read some novels by a great writer [great writers](3)。 Someone says that reading a good book is equal to talking with a great man.

  Many of us students love to read romantic and violence books [books of romance and violence](4)。This kind of books is simply for amusement and fun. Some students spend a lot of time reading these books. They even read them in class and fail to finish their homework. I think it is very harmful.

  Time is limited but knowledge is boundless(无限的)。 A student should know how to make full use of his time and store up his knowledge. Reading too many common books is wasting time. We should develop a taste for serious reading, which will give us more pleasure than reading popular books.

  上海市向明中学 顾蔚

  评 语

  这篇议论文内容短小精练,行文工整清秀,令人想起英国哲学家、语言大师弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)的散文。虽然两者之间的差距是不言而喻的,但顾蔚同学这篇文章的构思、行文、语言运用确实不错。文中某些语言上的不足之处点评修改如下:



  (3)前文为some novels,后面用复数 writers较自然。


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