


李龙帅: 上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员。口译教研组听力课题组组长。中/高级口译听力明星教师。上海交通大学英语语言文学硕士。高级同声翻译。
  Man: Hello, my name is Hudson, Dick Hudson.
  Woman: I’m Pamela Ann Gable....
  Man: Well, take a seat please. Miss Gable, it is "miss", isn’t it?Well, let me just check that I’ve got these particulars right. Your surname is Gable, spelled G-a-b-l-e, and your first names are Pamela Ann. Fine. You live at 147 Corriden Road, Croindain, your telephone number is 2468008. You were born on 18th July, 1975 and, that’s about it, okay? Fine, let’s see. What are you working with at the moment?
  Woman: I’m personal assistant to the manager of a modeling agency.
  Man: Oh, really? And what does that involve?
  Woman: A bit of everything, really. I have to keep the accounts, write a few letters, answer the telephone, and that sort of things.
  Man: You work with people a lot, do you?
  Woman: Oh, yes. I have to look after all the models who work for us, you know, keep them happy, lend an understanding ear to their heartaches, you know.
  Man: Have you ever done anything to do with hotels or conferences, hotel management, for instance?
  Woman: No, not really. I did work for a short time as a courier for a tour operator, taking foreigners on guided tours of London, perhaps that’s the sort of the thing you mean?
  Man: Yes, I think it is. Do you speak any languages?
  Woman: Yes, I do. I speak French and Italian. You see, I spent several years abroad when I was younger.
  Man: Oh, did you? That’s very interesting. And what about any exams you’ve taken?
  Woman: Well, I left school at 16. You know, there didn’t seem to be any point in staying on somehow, I was sure I could learn much more by getting a job and a bit of experience and independence.
  Man: So you have no formal qualification at all? I see. Well, I don’t suppose it matters.
  Woman: I was wondering if perhaps you can tell me a bit more about the job? You know, it’s said in the ad. that you wanted a go-ahead girl with a car and imagination, but that’ not very much to go on.
  Man: No, it isn’t. Well, we run conferences in your job as conference coordinator would-be. Well, much the same as the one you have now I suppose: meeting people, transporting them from one place to another, making sure they are comfortable, a bit of telephoning and so on.
  Woman: It sounds just the sort of thing I want to do.
  Man: There is the question of salary of course.
  Woman: Well, my present salary is 18,000, so I couldn’t accept any less than that, especially if I have to use my car.
  Man: Ah, we have something like 15,000 in mind, plus of course, a generous allowance for the car. But look, if I were you, I’d take a quick look around the office here, see if you like the look of the people who work here.
  1. What is the woman’s present job?
  正确答案:D.personal assistant
  2. Which of the following is not involved in the woman’s present job?
  正确答案:C. To organize business trips and conferences.
  3. What foreign languages does the woman speak?
  正确答案:B. French and Italian
  4. What salary does the woman expect from her perspective of employer?
  正确答案:B. No less than 18,000.
  5. Which of the following statements is true about the woman according to the conversation?
  正确答案:C:She’s applying for a job of a conference coordinator.

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