




  Waiting for Oral Exam


  I still remember the day when I took part in the English oral examination.

  That morning a great number of nervous and excited young examinees① stood in the hall, each waiting for his turn to have the oral exam. Some were talking loudly; others reciting and still others walking idly②。Like all these young people, I had a butterfly③ in my stomach, not knowing what to do and just sitting on the chair with my eyes fixed on the door of the room where I would have the exam. Every time the door opened and a young man came out of it, my heart would beat fast. Though I had prepared my lessons well, I still had some fears for it was the first time I had such an important oral exam and also I had had a cold the day before and my voice had become husky④ because of the bad cough. I was sitting on pins and needles⑤when suddenly my name was called.

  I got up and walked quickly toward the door. Stopping in front of it, I hesitated about opening it. I felt my face red and my heart beat fast. Suddenly a kind and gentle voice rang in my ears,“Remember to be calm, not to be nervous and you can certainly pass the exam.”These words eased my mind and I calmed down. I bravely opened the door with confidence. I would certainly succeed.



  ①examinee [ig?z$mi'ni:] n.受试人

  ②idly ['aidli] ad.无所事事地;懒散地

  ③butterfly ['b)t+flai] n.蝴蝶

  ④husky ['h)ski] a.喉咙发干的;沙哑的

  ⑤(sit) on pins and needles 如坐针毡


  本文写作者第一次参加英语口试时应试前的心理活动。文中使用了三个典型的表达方式把作者忐忑不安的心情写得真真切切: 1)I had a butterfly in my stomach.(隐喻) 2)I was sitting on pins and needles.(隐喻) 3)I felt my face flushing and my heart beat fast.(心理动词feel+形象表达flushing和 heart beat fast.)读者读着以这些表达为主线的心理描述时会感到自己也置身其间的。

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