Bicycles in China,第1张

Bicycles in China,第2张

Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Bicycles in China. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the following instructions.




  Bicycles in China

  Bicycles are very popular in China. In this country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school, shop, and wherever the riders want to go. Therefore, China is known as "the kingdom of bicycles", where on the average every family has one or two bicycles.

  Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. First, they are much cheaper than cars, which most Chinese can't afford. Secondly, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a large piece of land to be parked. What's more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars.

  However, bicycles create some problems. Some riders don't abide by traffic regulations and some don't take others' safety into consideration while riding too fast. During rush hours, too many bicycles may cause traffic jams. Thereforet we have a long way to go to solve the problem.

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