Lottery, Positive and Negative Effects

Lottery, Positive and Negative Effects,第1张

Lottery, Positive and Negative Effects,第2张

Just a few years ago, the idea of buying lottery every week seemed almost unthinkable for most Chinese. Now, however,with the advent and popularity of lottery, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of heated discussion.

  In China existed an ambivalent feeling towards this novelty.There is no denying that lottery has its contributions. Its main advantage is to raise huge amounts of money for the construction of more Schools of Hope, for the relief of starvation in poverty stricken areas and for the support of various athletic events.Otherwise, the fund would be unavailable. So far millions of people have benefited from lottery and more will do. Because of this, the mainstream of national consciousness has seen lottery as an efficacious means to finance various projects of public inter

  Besides, lottery can also lead to a boosting economy. For example, Hong Kong, a city famous for its "Liuhe Lottery",owes much of its amazing prosperity to the long time practice of lottery.

  What's more, lottery adds richness and vitality to people's daily life, especially to the daily life of the aged retirees to whom purchasing lottery becomes one of their favorite pastimes.

  Besides all the advantages, buying lottery has its critics.What makes it appealing to us also makes it vulnerable to over exploitation. Overfascination with lottery consumes too much time and energy. Worse than all, lottery can give rise to the misconception of gaining without exerting efforts and a distorted viewpoint towards human life, and even poison one's mind, contributing to the degeneration of people's morale and enterprising spirits.

  In any case, whether the ultimate effect of lottery is good or bad, one thing is certain that lottery in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the use to which it is put that determines its value to society. Evidently, when properly treated, lottery can do us more good than bad.

  简 评

  本文讨论了彩票对社会带来的好处和坏处。很明显宋明星同学词汇量较大,英文功底较好,用语准确,故文章虽短,颇具说服力。试举数例:ambivalent feeling表达人们对彩票的矛盾心理;with the advent and prosperity表达彩票之兴起和流行;efficaCIOHS means表示彩票的效用;distorted viewpoint表述对彩票的扭曲观点。作者列举了彩票好与坏的各方面,好的方面如筹集资金兴建公共项目,促进经济繁荣(以*对香港经济的影响为例),老年人借以娱乐消闲(favorite pastimes),接下来分析彩票之弊:过分利用(overexploitation),助长不劳而获的社会心态,使人斗志消沉 (degeneration of morale and enterprising spirits)。结尾部分,作者认为彩票本身并无好坏,若利用得当,会利大于弊,明确表达了自己的倾向性。

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