It Depends,第1张

It Depends,第2张

It happened to our parents. It happens to us. It will happen to our children. It is campus love, just being there, no matter we approve it or not. Can it last long? It seems to be a controversial question and no one can be sure about it. Anyway the answer may not be simply "yes" or "no", but rather complicated.

  Many people, me included, believe that campus love can last long. College students, almost half of them I guess, have experienced their "first love" before they entered college. Whether or not their first love is successful, the important thing is that they have experienced it they have learned to show their love, to understand and support each other spiritually, to tolerate and comrienced their "first love" before they entered college. Whether or not their first love is successful, the important thing is that they have experienced it they have learned to show their love, to understand and support each other spiritually, to tolerate and compromise sometimes, and to carefully foster their cherished affection. In the process of first love, they develop a deeper view into love and a better understanding of themselves, which are signs of maturity. Other college students, although have not experienced first love, are already adults and are capable of thinking for themselves and making their own decisions. Having heard of stories and read articles about love, they have formed their own opinion of it and have thought about love in depth. Thus, college students are capable to love someone. They love and they wish to keep their love.

  There are many examples that campus love can last long.The most convincing example that makes me believe campus love lasts long is the love between my parents. They were in the same university and fell in love at that time. However, it is not always easy to keep the relationship between two young college lovers after their graduation. Many clogs lie in front of them, such asseparation for the sake of work or further study and divergence in future plans. I have heard and read plenty of sad love stories in which two lovers in college finally part within a few years after graduation. In spite of the saying that true love is not affected by distance, it is true that for many people love is something difficult to keep when a couple is separated by geographic barriers. It is the reason that campus love does not last long. Another reason may lie in the long road ahead of college lovers. There are so many choices along the road that change may happen at any time. It is impossible for anyone to consider and plan all things that may happen in the future when he or she is in college.Therefore many college lovers say goodbye to each other in a few

  Some cases of campus love can last long, but not every college couple will have a happy end. It depends. It depends on too many factors, anticipated or concealed, sudden or becoming prominent gradually.

  So it happened to our parents. It happens to us. And it will happen to our children. There is confusion about love and future among college students, and there is the argument of whether campus love can last long.

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