Pressure Increases with Depth,第1张

Pressure Increases with Depth,第2张

Directions Study the diagram below. Then write a composition to explain how this experiment proves the idea that pressure iocreases with depth. Your composition should be between l20 to 140 words.

  Pressure Increases with Depth

  Here is a picture of a tall cylinder with three holes under thefaucet. The water keeps running from the faucet through the water tap into the cylinder. As there are three holes in it, the cylinder can never be filled and keeps leaking water.

  From the way water is corning out of the holes we can see pressure increases with depth.

  Let us look at the first hole on the top. As the hole is very near to the surface of water, the pressure at the top is not as high as that in the middle and at the bottom. The water is coming out of the hole at an angle of 30 degrees. It fails to the ground at a distance not far from the cylinder.

  Now please have a look at the hole in the middle. The hole is farther away from the surface of the water. Here the water is deeper and so is the pressure. As a result the falling water comes down with more force at an angle of 45 degrees.

  Last and not least, I would like to call your attention to the hole at the bottom. As it is deep at the bottom, the water receives the moist pressure. The force of water coming out of the hole is strongest and it springs out at an angle of nearly 170 degrees falling down far away from the cylinder.

  Now it is clear to me why man achieves success under great pressure, My dear friends, do not bo afraid of pressuro. The more pressute, the more chance of success.







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