


  1. 整洁是城市文明的标志。

  2. 城市居民与整洁的关系。

  3. 你对保持城市整洁的建议。

  City cleanness is the symbol and reflection of the civilization of that city. It is obvious that if one comes to a clean and bright city, he will have a comfortable feeling and will be in a joyful mood. On the contrary, a dirty and polluted city may drive him away. So the deanness is very important to a city. But how can we get it?

  The key lies in the citizens'awareness of the importance of deanness. Citizens are the owners of their city. If everyone dwelling in the city keeps the city clean enthusiastically just as they keep their house clean, then streets will become cleaner and cleaner, buildings brighter and brighter, and consequently, the city will surely become more and more beautiful.

  Some measures must be taken to keep our cities clean. For example, we should set a limit to noises and exhaust gases, and invest in the planting of trees and flowers. Moreover, some education and punish ment are necessary too. I believe in the future our city will become more beautiful gardens in a common effort of all the urban inhabitants.

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