

…… want/like to do ……


  说明︰常以<不定词>作为<受词>的<及物动词>有:like(喜欢),want(想要),try(设法), love(喜爱),hate(讨厌),forget(忘记),begin(开始),start(开始),need(必须)。

  Some students hate to study English. 有些学生不喜欢研读英语。

  You need to study in a quiet place. 你必须在一个安定的地方读书。

  He likes to go to the movie. 他喜欢去看电影。

  She wants to help Mary. 她想要帮助玛丽。

  …… want/ask sb. to do ……

  结构︰主词+want/ask/tell 等+受词+to-不定词

  说明︰<不定词>放在<受词>的后面,用于补充说明<受词>的动作,叫做“<受词补语>”;当<不定词>要表达“不要做某事”的意思时,则须采用<不定词>的<否定式>,即直接在<不定词>前加 not.常用的此类<动词>有 want,get,compel,expect,ask,would like,advise,urge,wish,tell,allow,permit,trouble,help,teach 等。

  I told him not to goof around. 我叫他不要游手好闲。

  The teacher urged his students to prepare for the exam. 老师劝他的学生准备考试。

  They forced me to do things against my will. 他们强迫我做违背我心意的事。

  Do you want me to go there instead of you? 要不要我代你到那儿去?

  I got him to do it. 我叫他做这事。

  Their help enabled me to finish the work with ease.他们帮助我,使我能够顺利地完成工作。

  A sense of humor enabled him to get along well with others.


  The heavy workload forced me to cancel the camping trip.繁重的工作量迫使我取消去露营。

  The father allowed (=permitted) his son to travel abroad alone.


  We troubled him to turn on the light. 我们麻烦他打开电灯。

  We needed someone to fix the tape recorder. 我们需要有人来修理录音机。

  I heard him sing.


  说明︰此句型意为“听/看/感觉…”。英文中表示“看”,“听”,“感觉”的三类<动词>,加了<受词>之后,须接原形<动词>做<受词补语>,用以表示已发生,而且是主动意味的事实。我们称此类<动词>为知觉<动词>,常用的有 see,watch,notice,look at,hear,listen to,feel 等。变成<被动语态>时,<受词补语>要变成<不定词词组>,如例句4.这些词后也可接现在<分词>,强调“动作进行”,而接原形<动词>,则强调“整个事实”。

  Did you notice anyone come in? 你注意到有人进来过吗?

  As far as I remember, I have never seen him smile. 在我记忆中,我从未见他笑过。

  She once heard him whisper to another girl. 她曾听到他对另外一个女孩说悄悄话。

  He was heard to sing. 我听到他唱歌。

  I felt my heart beat violently. 我感觉到自己的心跳得很厉害。

  She liked to listen to children talk. 她喜欢听孩子们谈话。

  We heard him playing with his puppy. 我们听到了他在玩着他的小狗。

  Rick often watched the boats returning to port in the late afternoon.


  be going to ……

  结构︰主词+be going+to-不定词…

  说明︰此句型意为“将做…”。“be going+to-<不定词>”用作表示未来的<助动词>,表示最近之未来将做的行为或未来的意图。这种<句型>经常用于会话体,表示包含讲话者的主观或感情的情形。

  He is going to marry Jane in May. 他打算五月和珍结婚。

  I am going to stay up late to finish my paper. 为了完成报告我打算熬夜不睡。

  I'm afraid he is going to lose the match. 我恐怕他会输掉比赛。

  The train was just going to start when we arrived. 我们到达时,火车马上就要开了。

  My father was a sailor and I'm going to be one, too.


  be about to ……

  结构︰主词+be about+to-不定词…

  说明︰此句型意为“将做…”。表示极近的未来之行为,故为了表示几乎等于现在的未来而不和未来之 <副词>一起使用,如:不能说“I am about to go next week.”。

  He was surely about to change his mind. 他一定会改变主意。

  She was about to walk out of the door when the telephone rang. 电话铃响时她正要出门。

  Something unusual was about to happen. 某种不寻常的事正要发生。

  …… be to ……



  A was to be placed onto A', and B onto B'.

  …… seem/appear to ……


  说明︰此句型意为“似乎是…,好像…”。to-<不定词>的内容是表示状态的词。seem 有时要加入“或许”(probably)的意思翻译起来才适当;appear 近于“乍看之下好像是…”的意思。

  Taiwan seems to contain no petroleum. 台湾恐怕没有蕴藏石油吧!

  The thread seems to match the cloth. 这线和这布似乎很相称。

  He appears to be very tired. 他似乎很累。

  These stars appear to move around the North Star. 这些星星似乎环绕着北极星转。

  They appear to be able to handle the problem. 他们似乎可以处理这个问题。

  John seems to love music very much. 约翰似乎很喜欢音乐。

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