

Sth. is being + V-ed ……

  结构︰主词+is being+过去分词…


  Money is being used in place of something more direct.金钱正在被更直接地用来取代某种东西。

  The machine is being experimentally used. 这些机器正在被实验地使用着。

  The problems are being discussed. 这些问题正在被讨论着。

  …… go + V-ing ……


  说明︰此句型意为“从事…”。go 之后的现在<分词>通常是运动类的<动词>,如:fishing(钓鱼),boating(划船),skating(溜冰),skiing(滑雪),hunting(打猎),mountain climbing(爬山), shopping(购物)等。

  Sometimes Mr. Black went swimming with the children.有时布拉克先生和这些小孩去游泳。

  We went fishing yesterday and I caught three fish. 我们昨天去钓鱼,而我钓了三条。

  I find it interesting and healthy to go mountain climbing. 我觉得爬山有趣又有益健康。

  The American housewife probably goes shopping only once or twice a week.


  You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend.


  the + V-ing/V-ed/ADJ


  说明︰<形容词>,包括可做<形容词>的<分词>,前面加<冠词> the,可当复数<名词>用,表示“全体”的意思,其后的<动词>用复数形。常用的有:the wounded(所有受伤的人),the handicapped(所有残障者),the rich(有钱人),the dead(所有已死的人),the dying(所有垂死的人),the unknown(所有未知之事)等。

  The rich are not necessarily happy. 有钱人未必快乐。

  The oppressed were free after the coup. 被压迫的人民,在政变之后获得自由。

  The dying were rushed to the hospital. 垂死的人被急速送往医院。

  During the depression, millions of the unemployed wandered around in the streets.


  V-ing/V-ed ……, Main Clause


  说明︰这是含<分词>句构的<句型>,是以<分词词组>代替<副词子句>.<主要子句>中的<主词>应和<分词词组>中的动作接受者一致。若<动词>为 be 或 have been,变成现在<分词> being 或 having been后,可以省略。<否定句>若变成<分词词组>时,<否定副词> not 或 never 应置于<分词>之前。

  Holding the watch up, she listened. 把表拿起来,她注意听。

  Standing in the dark, I can not see anything. 站在黑夜里,我什么也看不见。

  Sitting under the tree, I was hit by a stone on the head. 我坐在树下,被一块石头击中了头。

  (Being) a lover of nature, he often goes mountain climbing.因为热爱大自然,他常常去爬山。

  Angry with his wife, Tom kicked the dog. 因为和太太生气,汤姆踢狗。

  Rich and generous, he contributed two million dollars to the Red Cross.


  (Having been) Knocked down by a car, he spent a week in the hospital.


  Seriously damaged, the bridge is no longer in use. 因受到严重损坏,这座桥不再使用了。

  Caught in a rain, he was wet all over. 淋到了一场雨,他全身都湿了。

  Bitten by a dog, the little boy did not dare to play with dogs again.


  Written in English, the book is difficult for me to understand.


  Not (being) fond of learning, he ran away from home. 由于不喜欢读书,他就离家出走了。

  Never having been to Switzerland before, he longs for a trip there.


  When + V-ing ……


  说明︰当when,while,once,if,unless,though 等<副词><连接词>引导<副词子句>时,若其<主词>与<主要子句>相同,可保留该<副词><连接词>,其余部分则化简为<分词词组>.

  He says “Please” when making a request. 请求时,他说:“请”。

  When waiting for a bus, he takes his turn. 等公共汽车时,他按顺序排队。

  He stopped to talk to me when seeing me. 看到我的时候,他停下来和我说话。

  If falling ill, I'll stay home taking a good rest. 如果生病,我会待在家里好好休息。

  Once arriving there, I'll keep contact with you. 一到那里,我会跟你连络。

  Unless (being) rich, I am not going to buy a house. 除非有钱,要不然我是不会买房子的。

  Though knowing the truth, he remained silent. 虽然他知道实情,却保持沉默。

  N + V-ing/V-ed


  说明︰这是含独立<分词>结构的<句型>,即因<主词>不同而将<分词>意义上的<主词>置于<分词>之前。若 <动词>为 be 或 have been,变成现在<分词> being 或 having been 后,可以省略。若<分词>意义上的<主词>是 we,you,one 等表世上之一般人的情形时,即使和<主要子句>之<主词>不同,也可省略,变成惯用的句子,常用的有:frankly speaking(坦白说),judging from(由…观之),talking about/of(谈谈…),generally speaking(一般而言),roughly speaking(大体言之)等。

  They were trembling, their mouths watering at the thought of the beer.


  He was sitting next to Mrs. Smith, his eyes resting on her daughter.


  The earthquake took place, the windows broken into pieces. 地震发生了,户破得粉碎。

  “There it is,” he whispered, his eyes (being) bright with sudden tears.


  He said in a low voice, both his hands (being) on his back. 他低声地说,他的双手放在背后。

  He argued, his voice trembling with anger. 他争论着,他的声音由于生气而颤抖。

  Generally speaking, women live longer than men. 一般而言,女性寿命较男性长。

  Frankly speaking, he is not so bad as you might think. 坦白讲,他没有你想象中的坏。

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