Placing emphasis,第1张

Placing emphasis,第2张

If you want to summon up emphasis, a far better technique than exclamation marks is to take advantage of the natural rhythm of English sentences. Here's an important rule good writers know explicitly or implicitly: he end of a sentence packs the most wallop. The most common sentence patter puts familiar information at the beginning of sentences, and new information at the ends of sentences. Thus each sentence can be seen to be a kind of little bridge to what has already been presented: the sentence starts out on familiar ground and then takes a step forward. Good writing consists of linking these many little steps into a sustained argumentative journey (of course with a few bold exceptions every so often).

  These two paragraphs are identical except for their final sentences:

True capitalists distrust governments, and don't think they make good arbiters of morality. They believe that individuals are best qualified to manage their own lives and pursue happiness in their own way. Freedom is what capitalists believe in, in other words.
True capitalists distrust governments, and don't think they make good arbiters of morality. They believe that individuals are best qualified to manage their own lives and pursue happiness in their own way. In other words, capitalists believe in freedom.

  The original throws away its energy in that last sentence because freedom comes right at the beginning of the sentence. The revision saves its new mention for the sentence's natural emphasis point, its end. The principle is of fundamental importance: start sentences with familiar material, end with new.

  There is much more to be said about rhetoric. If this brief introduction has piqued your curiosity, I urge you to study the topic further, to read lots of good published writing (I recommend, for instance, William Safire's scintillating style in his op-ed columns in the New York Times), and to experiment with your own prose. At its best rhetoric is not "phony" but a worthy art that recognizes the beauty and power of words. Writers who know how to use rhetoric understand that audiences want to be enchanted at least as much as they want to be taught. Rhetoric can help you persuade. Take advantage of it.

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