


本课您将学到:craze(狂潮;酷爱),怎样区分lay, lie, lie?


  Tulips were introduced into Holland before the 17th century but it did not take long for the flowers to gain popularity(流行) among the upper classes(上流社会). Flowers of such beauty and rarity(稀有) soon became symbols(象征) of power and prestige(名望) and the rich tried their best to lay their hands on some to display(展示) in their gardens.

  By 1634, the whole country was so fascinated(着迷的) by tulips that all other activities almost came to a stop. People were trading(交易) in tulips and even buying and selling un-sprouted(未生长的) flowers. It was documented(记载) that one rare bulb(球茎) fetched(售得) a price equivalent(相等的) to ten tons of cheese.

  When the prices of tulips reached such an exorbitant(过高的) level, few people bought them for planting in their gardens. The real demand for the flowers was exaggerated(夸张,夸大) by people who were buying them for speculation(投机), not appreciation(欣赏). The bubble(泡沫) finally burst(破裂) in 1637. Soon the nobles(贵族) became poor and the rich became paupers(乞丐). Cries of distress(困苦,不幸) resounded(回响) everywhere in Holland.

  Centuries later, the American investors'(投资者) craze over Internet stocks(网络股) became another “tulip mania(疯狂)”.


  郁金香在17世纪传入荷兰,(Tulips were introduced into Holland before the 17th century)没多久的时间(it did not take long)贵族就疯狂爱上了它。(to gain popularity among the upper classes)这美丽兼稀有的花朵(Flowers of such beauty and rarity)顿时成了权力和威望的象征,(soon became symbols of power and prestige)只要是有钱人都千方百计找几朵种在自己的庭院供玩赏。(the rich tried their best to lay their hands on some to display in their gardens)

  lay one's hands on something,意思是“抓住、得到、找出”,比如:

  That guy checks out every lead he lays his hands on.
  那老兄只要一得到消息,就去应聘。(此处的 lead 是“线索”)

  1634年,荷兰百业荒废,(that all other activities almost came to a stop)全国上下都为郁金香疯狂。(whole country was so fascinated by tulips)人们进行郁金香的交易,(People were trading in tulips)甚至买卖还未种植的花朵。(even buying and selling un-sprouted flowers)有人曾记载,(It was documented)当时一个稀有的球茎竟然叫价相等于十吨重芝士的价值。(that one rare bulb fetched a price equivalent to ten tons of cheese)

  郁金香的价值达到这个地步,(When the prices of tulips reached such an exorbitant level)已没有多少人是买它来种在庭园里。(few people bought them for planting in their gardens)多数的人都想从中牟取暴利,而不是纯粹想欣赏它,(by people who were buying them for speculation, not appreciation)所以真正的需求被夸大了,(The real demand for the flowers was exaggerated)泡沫终于在1637年的某一天破了。(The bubble finally burst in 1637)瞬息间,贵族变贫民,(Soon the nobles became poor)富翁成乞丐,(the rich became paupers)荷兰陷入一片萧条。(Cries of distress resounded everywhere in Holland)

  百年前以后,(Centuries later)美国投资者对网络股的疯狂又造出了另一个“网络郁金香”。(the American investors' craze over Internet stocks became another “tulip mania”)

  craze是名词,源于crazy,所以大家可以推测出来,它的意思就是“一时的狂热、时尚”,当然,这是从“社会”的角度讲的;如果站在个人的立场,have a craze for something就表达某人“酷爱”什么的意思,比如:

  Everyone in his family had a craze for Chinese food.




  The hen is laying an egg. 母鸡在下蛋。
  He laid his hands on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上。


  He felt tired, so he went and lay down for a rest.

  His books lay open on the desk when I went in.



  我们可以这样理解,lay强调动作,而lie强调状态。比如我们要描述一个躺在床上的婴儿,如果要强调妈妈把孩子放在床上的动作,就可以说:Mother laid the baby gently on the bed.如果要强调“孩子是躺在床上的”这种状态,就要说:The baby lying on the bed was my little sister.


  1、 Don't the glass on the corner of the table. 别把玻璃杯放在台角上。
  2、The city in the north of China. 那座城市位于中国的北部。
  3、He's still in bed. 他还躺在床上。

  答案:1、Lay(强调“放”的动作) 2、lies 3、lying(强调“位于”“躺着”的状态)


  He wasn't telling the truth. He lied again. /He was lying.

  在表示这一意思时,lie可用作名词。套用上面的句子,“说谎”就可以说成是:tell a lie或tell lies.(千万别说say/talk/speak a lie哦。)人人都痛恨谎言,所以这句话大家一定要学会:I hate lying.或I hate telling lies.(因为hate的用法跟like相似,所以说I hate lie.就不对了。如果说成I hate to lie,就似乎含有“虽然不愿,但仍不得不说谎”之意了。请大家慢慢体会。)

  今天的节目中,我们主要学会了区分lay, lie, lie,顺便记住lay one's hands on something,意思是“抓住、得到、找出”,craze指“狂潮”或“酷爱”。大妮子感谢大家的陪伴,我们下次再见!

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