


本课您将学到:class(你是哪个阶级?),句型there is/are no…left(没有……)


  In my children's lifetimes, I believe gorillas(大猩猩); chimpanzees(黑猩猩) and orangutans(猩猩) will all become extinct(灭绝的) in the wild. So the question we have to ask ourselves is this: do we want our children to see only in zoos what used to exist in the real world?

  Already there are no truly wild places left in the world. Looking at wildlife has become the preserve of the middle classes over the last twenty-odd(二十多) years, and as wild animals become even rarer(稀少的), so more tourists(游客) want to see them.

  But tourism alone plainly(明显地) cannot conserve(保护) the world's animals; economic development is the priority(重点).


  我相信,在我孩子们的有生之年,(In my children's lifetimes)大猩猩、黑猩猩和猩猩会在野外全部灭绝。(I believe gorillas; chimpanzees and orangutans will all become extinct in the wild)因此我们得扪心自问:(the question we have to ask ourselves is this)难道我们想让自己的孩子只能在动物园里看到原本存在于真实世界里的动物吗?(do we want our children to see only in zoos what used to exist in the real world?)

  in the wild意为“在野外/野生状态下”。

  目前世界上已经没有真正的荒野了。(Already there are no truly wild places left in the world)在过去的二十多年里,(over the last twenty-odd years)观赏野生动物已成为中产阶级的专有权,(Looking at wildlife has become the preserve of the middle classes)随着野生动物变得更加稀少,(as wild animals become even rarer)想看野生动物的游客会更多。(so more tourists want to see them)

  preserve原意是 “独占的领域、活动范围等”,这里可译为“专有权”。

  这段中出现了一个大家很熟悉的词class,有“班级”的意思,但在这里,它指的是“社会阶层”,而middle classes就是“中产阶级”,下层社会就是lower class,上层社会是upper class, working class就是“工人阶级”。

  在口语中,如果我们说某人show/have class,意思就是“有风度、表现出色”,比如:

  a girl with real class

  The team showed real class in this afternoon's match.

  但是单靠旅游业显然不可能保护世界上的动物;(But tourism alone plainly cannot conserve the world's animals)经济发展才是首要任务。(economic development is the priority)


  今天我们来学一个表示“某处已经没有……”的句型,there is/are no…left…


  Finally, there is no more time left for adding new stories.

  There is no room left for the piano in the room.

  需要注意的是,there后面地系动词要根据no后面的名词单复数来决定,这里的time和room都是不可数名词,所以用there is,原文的places是复数名词,就用there are.

  今天的节目,我们讲了一个常用的单词class,还学了一个句型there is/are no…left,你都记住了吗?

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