



  内 容 提 要

  情态动词有can(能),may(可以),must(必须),have to(不得不),ought to(应该),dare(敢),used to(过去经常),had better(),would rather(宁愿)。在肯定句中它们后边都要接 动词原形 .在否定句中,can,may,must和dare后边加not;have to和ought to分别在have和ought后加not;used to的否定式可用used not to,也可用didn't use to,但后者用得较多;had better和would rather的否定式分别是had better not和would rather not.这些情态动词与现在完成时连用在某种意义上有一定的虚拟性。



  1) It around nine o'clock when I drove back home because it was already dark.

  [A] had to be [B] must have been [C] was to be [D] must be

  2) John's score on the test is the highest in the class;

  [A] he should study last night

  [B] he should have studied last night

  [C] he must have studied last night

  [D] he must had to study last night

  3) After searching [A] for evidence in the house,the police concluded [B] that the thief must have come in [C] through the window and stole [D] the silver while the family was asleep.

  二、may (might)+have+ED分词:用于肯定句和否定句,表示对已发生事情的不肯定的推测,相当于“可能,大概,”其中might较may 语气更弱,把握更小

  She might have gone to see her doctor last week, but I am not sure.


  Don't worry, your husband may not have been hurt seriously.


  三、should(ought to)+have+ED分词:肯定句表示过去本应发生的事却没有发生;否定句表示已发生了本不该发生的事。前者可译为“本应,”后者为“本不该”

  You should have apologized to her for not soon replying to the letter. 你本应向她道歉,说明为什么没能及时回信。(可你没这么做)

  4) You yesterday if you were really serious about your work.

  [A] ought to come[B] ought to be coming[C] ought to have come[D] ought have come

  四、can(not) +have+ED分词

  He is an hour late —— He can have been delayed by fog. Of course,that's a possibility.他迟到了1小时,可能因为大雾而耽搁了。当然这只是可能性问题。

  The poem can not have been written by her since she was only five years old then.这诗不可能是她写的,因为她那时才5岁。


  I simply can't understand how he could have made such a mistake. 我简直不明白他怎么会犯那样的错误。

  He walked there,but he could have taken a taxi. 他走着去了,可当时完全可以坐出租。


  I couldn't have called you. I wasn't near a telephone. 反正我也不可能给你打电话,我附近没有电话。

  5) “We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday.”He it.“

  [A] mustn't attended[B] couldn't have attended[C] would have not attended[D] needn't have attended


  6) You all these parcels yourself.The shop would have delivered them if you had asked a shop assistant.

  [A] didn't need to carry[B] needn't have carried[C] needn't carry[D] didn't need carry

  七、used to 表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在已不存在,在否定陈述句中,一般用didn't use to,也可用used not to;在疑问句中用“Did…use to”。used to还可never,often,always等连用。注意used to与be used to的不同,后者表示be accustomed to “习惯于某种状态”,而且跟接名词或ING形式,而used to后接动词原形,试比较

  He used to drink. 表示“他过去经常喝酒”而现在不喝了。

  He is used to wine (He is used to drinking wine) at each meal.


  八、had better表示“……”,后接动词原形,其否定式为had better not+动词原形

  You had better not follow his behavior. 你不要学他。

  九、would rather 意思是“宁愿”,表示选择。它有两种用法,一是在肯定句中后边直接跟动词原形,其否定句是在would rather 后加not,即 would rather not+动词原形;二是它后边可以跟接从句,该从句的谓语动词用一般过去式表示虚拟语气。由于would rather表示选择,它后边可跟接than

  She would rather sleep than talk rubbish. 她宁愿睡不愿闲聊。

  7) “Did you criticize him for his mistakes?”——“Yes,but it.”

  [A] I'd rather not do[B] I'd rather not doing[C] I'd rather not have done[D] I'd rather not did

  [注] would rather和had rather都表示“宁愿”,在用法上也没有区别。但如果说would rather与had rather完全一样(Longman Dictionary of Comtemporary English 如是说),这一说法有争议。其实had rather在现代标准英语中几乎已经不用了。这对我们考试来说是比较重要的,因为一般考题作为标准英语是不用had rather的。


  1) B为正确答案。2) C为正确答案。

  3) D错。改为stolen.这里C处和D处是并列的谓语,D处相当于must have stolen.

  4) C为正确答案。5) B为正确答案。6) B为正确答案。7) C为正确答案。

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