



  state in in progress(在进行中), in a dilemma(处于进退两难的境地),

  in a hurry, in a tight corner(处于困难中), in action(在行动中), in an emergency,

  (处于紧急情况中), in anxiety, in astonishment, in bad mood(心情不好),

  in bad temper(心情不好,生气), in bed, in blossom(bloom) (在开花 ),

  in bonds(在拘留中), in chains(在囚禁中), in charge(看管), in church, in class(表示地点)

  in collision(在冲突中), in commission (在服役) in condition(健康情况良好), in confusion (在混乱中),

  in control (of), in court(出庭), in custody(拘留), in danger, in debt(负债),

  in deep water(s)(处于困境), in demand(有需求) in despair, in difficult, in dispute(在争论),

  in doubt, in employment, in exile(在流放), in fear and trembling(提心吊胆), in flight(飞行),

  in flood, in full blossom(开着花), in good condition, in good health, in high spirits,

  in horror, in hospital, in isolation. in love, in motion, in need (of) in operation(在运转),

  in order(状态良好), in panic, in peace(平安) (at peace和平), in peril(处于危险),

  in place, in power, in practice(在实践中), in preparation, in process(在进行中),

  in production, in progress(前进,进行中), in pursuit(在追赶中), in question(正被讨论),

  in rehearsal(在彩排), in retirement(退休), in retreat(在撤退) in sail(张着帆)

  in secret, in service, in session(在会议中), in short supply, in silence, in sorrow,

  in stock(有库存) in store(储藏着)

  in succession, in surprise, in suspension(悬浮中) in tears(流着泪) in the field(在作战),

  in the press(在印刷), in the red(负债), in the same boat(处境相同),

  in the works(在计划中), in thought, in trade, in triumph, in trouble, in use, in view(被考虑),

  in wonder, in work(有工作), in work, in(at) college, in(at) school, in(at) university

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