



  Directions: Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.

  1. The relation between language, thought and culture is that ______.

  A. the three aspects interact, each influencing and shaping the other two

  B. culture most influences the other two

  C. language most dominates the other two

  D. thought most influences the other two

  2. In English, “sdylh” is not a possible word and “green made he” is not an acceptable sentence. It proves that language is ______.

  A. arbitrary B. systematic

  C. symbolic D. vocal

  3. Body language normally includes ______.

  A. gestures

  B. gestures, facial expression, distance held between interlocutors

  C. facial expression

  D. distance held between interlocutors

  4. The word “woman” can be defined conceptually as an adult female who is biped and has a womb. The other features such as “gregarious”, “subject to instinct”, “long hair wearing” are its ______ meaning.

  A. conceptual B. affective

  C. connotative D. collocative

  5. In the U. S.A., the fourth Thursday in November, set apart for recalling the goodness of God, is called ______.

  A. Boxing Day B. Thanksgiving

  C. Easter D. St. Valentine‘s Day

  6. A bun or bread roll containing fried or grilled steak is called______.

  A. hot dog B. pudding

  C. hamburger D. sandwich

  7. “Attain”, “acquire”, and “obtain” came from ______.

  A. French B. English origin

  C. Old Norse D. Latin

  8. In English ______ are derivational morphemes.

  A. all the prefixes

  B. all the suffixes

  C. those phrases that represent the grammatical categories

  D. those word endings represented the grammatical categories

  9. If a student wants to express his gratitude for professor‘s help, he can say ______.

  A.I am so sorry I am wasting your time

  B.I hope I didn‘t disturb you

  C. Don‘t you mind I disturb you

  D. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help

  10. In English speaking countries you usually introduce ______, not the other way around.

  A. a man to a woman B. a woman to a woman

  C. an old man to a young woman D. an old woman to a young man

  11. When you want to compliment the new coat John wears you can say ______.

  A. “That‘s a very nice coat.It must be very expensive”

  B.“You look much more beautiful in this coat”

  C.“How much did you pay for this coat ”

  D.“You look lovely in this coat,who bought it for you ”

  12. “A working party was set up to look into the problem”。 Here “look into” means ______.

  A. to settle B. to deal with

  C. to investigate D. to face

  13. “To keep one‘s nose to the grindstone” is the same meaning with ______.

  A. to continue working hard B. to do something very carefully

  C. to look for something small D. to feel very tired

  14. “Milk and water”means ______.

  A. something drinkable

  B. something that is inoffensive but feeble

  C. something in complete harmony

  D. complete understanding between friends

  15. The proverb “each cross hath its own inscription” is related to ______.

  A. the history of England B. individualism

  C. Christianity D. Bible

  16. A woman of breathtaking beauty can be referred to as a ______.

  A. Juliet B. Cinderella

  C. Cleopatra D. Miss Right

  17. “To kick off” derived from ______.

  A. baseball B. soccer

  C. boxing D. card games

  18. “A Pandora‘s box” derived from the box sent by the Gods to Pandora refers to a present or something______.

  A. which brings happiness but looks ugly

  B. which seems valuable but brings misfortune

  C. which can create anything its owner wants

  D. which a bride traditionally gives to a bridegroom

  19. “______” illustrates the metaphor that ideas are food.

  A. That is a budding theory

  B. Let me put in my two cent‘s worth

  C. There are too many facts here for me to digest them all

  D. He ran out of ideas

  20. “Blue blood” means ______.

  A. humble lineage B. courageous personality

  C. timid lineage D. aristocratic lineage

  21. Which of the following colors is associated with jealousy

  A. white B. green

  C. gray D. blue

  22. “Sanitation engineers” is an euphemism, referring to ______.

  A. dustmen

  B. plumbers

  C. medical worker

  D. electricians working in a hospital

  23. “I‘d love to join in. Only I don’t know how to play” demonstrates ______ relation between the two sentences.

  A. a causal B. a temporal

  C. an additive D. an adversative

  24. English speakers think highly of originality and novelty. As a result, we can find many ______ in English advertising.

  A. hyperboles B. homophones

  C. puns D. coinages

  25. The word in American English for “lift” is ______.

  A. cell B. elevator

  C. jail D. bucket

  26. Which of the following belongs to the American English dialect

  A. flat B. autumn

  C. timetable D. drugstore

  27. The British English equivalent for “私立学校” is ______.

  A. public school B. council school

  C. private school D. grade school

  28. The distance zone ranging from 8 feet to the limits of one‘s vision and hearing is referred to as the ______ zone.

  A. intimate B. casual-personal

  C. socio-consultative D. public

  29. “Stamping one‘s foot” signifies ______ in English body language.

  A. frustration B. impatience

  C. remorse D. irritation

  30. In English speaking countries smell of ______ is thought to be undesirable.

  A. perspiration B. creams

  C. powders D. lotions


  Directions: Each of the following statements has an underlined space. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.

  1. Federal legislature of the U. S. A. is ______.

  2. ______ refers to a theatrical act in which a woman removes her clothes in front of the audience.

  3. A sweet dish typically composed of fruit and flour and fat, boiled or steamed,or of fruit baked with pastry is called ______.

  4. The English equivalent for “隐形眼镜” is ______.

  5. ______ is the grammatical morpheme for plurality in Chinese.

  6. ______ relations refer to constructions whose components are linked in meaning through juxtaposition and punctuation and not through the use of conjunctions.

  7. “The man ran away when he saw the dog” is an example showing ______ relation.

  8. ______ refers to paradise, derived from the garden in which Adam and Eve lived.

  9. “Hancock” signifies ______.

  10. “Cognitive psychology is still in its infancy” illustrates the metaphor that ideas are ______.

  11. A white night is simply a ______ night.

  12. “Chairperson” and “humankind” are too words coined in English to avoid ______.

  13. ______ is used as an euphemism for “surprise attacks”。

  14. The word “chowder” is borrowed from ______.

  15. The word in American English for“pail”is ______.

  III.Translation (20%)

  A: Translate the following into Chinese

  1. Niagara Falls

  2. a big fish in a small pond

  3. to kick the bucket

  4. to be in a family way

  5. deductive argumentation

  B: Translate the following into English 6. 您有何高见?

  7. 聪明人不吃眼前亏


  9. 首相

  10. 寿终正寝

  IV. Discuss the following topics.(35%) 1. What are the topics that are considered by English speakers too personal to talk about

  2. What differences are there in eye behaviors between English and Chinese nonverbal communication systems

  3. Discuss the word “privacy” and its equivalent in Chinese “隐私” to see the related individualism in both cultures

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白度搜_经验知识百科全书 » 2004年4月浙江省高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题




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