





  句子的核心主体,通常位于谓语动词之前,表明一个句子是谁或何种情况所发出执行或是承受的。在写作中常做主语的有名词、代词、主语从句、V-ing、To do五种。

  1. 名词:Computersare now being widely used in almost all fields.

  2. 代词:Weare now living in an information-explosion era.

  3. 主语从句:Whether sports stars should earn a high salaryis still discussed heatedly.

  4. V-ing:Surfing the Internetoffers a new way for people to relax themselves.

  5. To do:To protect the environmentis everybody's business.



  1. 表状态用系动词:As I see it, movie stars'earning a high salaryisunfair and unjustified.

  2. 表动作用及物或不及物动词:The Internethas revolutionizedpeople's way of life. Tastediffers.

  3. 表拥有:人或物时用:have has无生命的东西:there be

  Peoplehavedifferent views on this question.

  There isno absolute agreement on this question.

  4. 情态动词+动词原形:
   In this way, teacherscan never be replacedby computers.


  及物动词或介词所指向的对象。在写作中常做宾语的有名词、宾语从句、复合结构、V-ing、To do五种。

  1. 名词作宾语:International tourism promotesthe economic development.

  2. 宾语从句作宾语:Some people holdthat air travel should be restricted.

  3. 复合结构:The advanced medical technology has madeit possible for people to live longer than ever possible before.

  4. V-ing: Nobody can avoidbeing influencedby media.

  5. To do: Some people wantto work for a big companywhile others chooseto work for a small one.


  接在系动词后,补充说明主语的情况又称为主语补足语。在写作中常做表语的有名词、形容词、V-ing、To do、从句五种。

  1. 名词:The environmental problem isa serious problemin modern society.

  2. 形容词:Time isfleetingand art islong.

  3. V-ing: The argument isconvincing.

  4. To do: A possible solution isto set down effective laws.

  5. 从句:One advantage of computers'utilized in education isthat they can enrich the traditional teaching method to a great extent.


  修饰名词或类似于名词的词。一般翻译为“…………的”,表示事物性质或状态,分为前置或后置。在写作中常做定语的有形容词、名词、V-ing、To do、从句五种。

  1. 形容词:Taking part-time jobs exertsprofoundimpacts on one's future career development.
  2. 名词:Generationgap is now a problem we have to face.

  名词做定语(名词修饰名词重要原则:第一个名词一般用单数 以下为雅思写作常用名词修饰名词词组)

  1. Information technology
  2. Information center
  3. Credit card
  4. Generation gap
  5. Beauty contest
  6. Communication skills
  7. Information age
  8. Knowledge economy
  9. Peace talks
  10. Service industry
  11. Water scarcity
  12. Survival skills
  13. Press conference
  14. Safety standard
  15. Life insurance
  16. Weather forecast
  17. Reception desk
  18. Coffee break
  19. Body guard
  20. Heart attack
  21. Department store
  22. Stock market
  23. Office building
  24. Science fiction

  3. V-ing:Clearly, we are now living in anupdatingsociety and the world is now witnessing somebreath-takingchanges.

  4. To do: Studying abroad provides students with a good opportunityto experience a totally different culture.

  5. 定语从句:That is a good bookwhich is opened with expectation and closed with profit.


  修饰动词、形容词、副词或整句的词或句。按照功能分十一种:时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、方式、条件、让步、比较、伴随、评注。在写作中常做状语的有副词 、状语从句 、状语从句省略结构 、To do、V-ing、V-ed


  1. 副词 :Honestly, I cannot give a yes-no answer to this question.
  2. 状语从句 :Where there is an open mind, there will always be frontier.
  3. 状语从句省略结构 :If so, the conclusion still remains questionable.
  4. To do:To solve this problem, people think up various solutions.
  5. V-ing:Technology is developing by leaps and bounds,making it possible for people to live better than ever before.
  6. V-ed:Encouraged to do so, children will experience better development.


  主语补足语(补充说明主语的情况,又称表语)、宾语补足语(补充说明宾语的情况)在写作中常做宾语补足语的有形容词和To do 两种。

  1. 形容词:Many people find this experienceawful.

  2. To do: Advertisements often urge peopleto buy goods they do not need.



  1. 名词:We should learn from the past,the mirror of the present and the hope of the future.

  2. 从句:University students should bear total expenses for their tuition on the generalizationthat university students usually earn much more than people without a degree.



  1. Indeed的确
  2. Surely无疑
  3. However然而
  4. Obviously显然
  5. Frankly坦率地说
  6. Naturally自然
  7. Luckily (或happily)for somebody,算某人幸运
  8. Fortunately/Luckily幸好
  9. Honestly真的
  10. Briefly简单地说
  11. Strange to say说也奇怪
  12. Needless to say不用说
  13. Most important of all最为重要是
  14. Worse still更糟糕的是
  15. Ina few words(或in sum,in short)简而言之
  16. Inother words换句话说


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