商务英语口语会刊 No.229

商务英语口语会刊 No.229,第1张

商务英语口语会刊 No.229,第2张

1.One section of the class was reading and the other section was writing.
  重点词语:section n.部分,区   商务用语:section foreman 领班
  all sections of poeple 各界人民
  show sth. in section 把某物以断面显示出来
  2.They were selected from many applicants.
  重点词语:select vt.选择,挑选 adj.精选的
  商务用语:a select club 选择会员严格的俱乐部
  be select in choosing one's friends 谨慎择友
  3.I'll send down to the kitchen for coffee.
  重点词语:send vt.送,寄,发送,派遣,打发
  商务用语:send away for 函购
  send in an account 开送账单,报账
  send by dispatch 把(某物)作快件送发
  send to the hammer 拿出去拍卖
  4.He received a heavy sentence.
  他受到很重的刑罚。   重点词语:sentence n.句子,判决 vt.判决
  商务用语:sentence of bankruptcy 破产判决
  a life sentence 无期徒刑,终身监禁
  serve one's sentence 服刑
  5.The two questions are quite separate.
  这两个问题是完全不相关的。   重点词语:separate vt.分开 adj.分开的;不同的
  商务用语:separate estate 独有财产
  separate maintenance 分居赡养费
  separate the good ones from the bad ones 区分好坏
  separate sth. into several portions 把某物分成几份(

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