

Working Mothers Give Themselves Lower Parenting Marks (1/3)

  There has been a shift in attitudes among American mothers over the last decade about full-time employment. According to the Pew Research Center, more working mothers now say part-time work is the ideal situation, and they give themselves lower marks as parents than stay-at-home moms.

  The debate over what's best for mothers — to stay at home or go out and work — has resurfaced with a new survey.

  What these mothers told NBC News echoed what a larger sample of working and stay-at-home moms said nationwide. In the Pew survey, 60 percent of the employed mothers said part-time work would be best for them and their families. Only 48 percent felt that way in 1997. Among stay-at-home moms, nearly half said their set-up was ideal, up from 39 percent a decade ago.

  Rachel Hamman quit her job as an investment adviser two years ago to raise her children. She chronicled her experience in a book, Bye-Bye Boardroom. She says with the variety of choices now available for mothers — work full-time, part-time, have a flexible schedule, or stay home — having it all is simply a question of how you define "all."


  shift n. 变化,移动
  resurface v. 重新露面,重铺路面
  echo v. 发回声,随声附和;反射,模仿,重复
  nationwide adj. 全国性的
  set-up n. 组织,结构
  investment advisor n. 投资顾问
  chronicle v. 编入编年史
  boardroom n. 会议室,交换场所

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