

Fashion Victim

Neil: You're listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

Would you follow the latest fashion trend on the catwalk?
  Helen: 大家好, 我是Helen, 希望在今天的地道英语中您能学到实用的新表达。

  Neil: Are you a fashion victim Helen?

  Helen: I'm not sure…… 我挺喜欢时装的。

  Neil: A fashion victim is someone who always wears the most fashionable clothes, or follows the latest fads.

  Helen: Fads – 短期的流行趋势。 喜欢时尚难道是件坏事吗?为什么这些追求时尚的人被称为 victims 牺牲者,受害者呢?

  Neil: They are fashion victims because they wear things which don't suit them, or look ridiculous, just because they are in fashion.

  Helen: Ah, 原来这些人盲目地追求时尚,没有考虑新潮流的时装到底适不适合他们。

  Neil: A fashion victim might wear something very unflattering, just because it's fashionable.

  Helen: Unflattering – 不合身的,突出自己缺点的。


  A: Look at Lucy. Doesn't she look ridiculous in that dress? It doesn't suit her at all.
  B: Yeah she's only wearing it because she saw it in a magazine. She's such a fashion victim.

  Helen: 我们复习一下,今天我们学到的新表达是

  Neil: Fashion victim.

  Helen: 时尚牺牲者,指的是那些盲目追求时尚的人,对时尚其实并没有真正的理解。

  Neil: Goodbye.

  Helen: 我们下次节目再见!

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