范文:No More Video Games,第1张

范文:No More Video Games,第2张


  针对学校许多学生都沉湎于电子游戏之现象,学生英语周刊发出了“No More Video Games”的倡议。作为该刊的编委之一,你将执笔这份介议。提纲如下:





  No More Video Games

  Teenagers are spending too much time and money on video arcades these days.

  Video games should be done away with. They are nothing but a waste of time , money and energy. Teenagers should be doing valuable things like reading, studying, and going to the concerts and the museums.

  Video games are bad for both the physical and mental health of the young. In video arcades, the lights are often dim and the games are noisy, which damages people's eyes and ears. In addition, a lot of money is spent by teenagers on these games. They think nothing of spending twenty or thirty yuan in an afternoon just to have the satisfaction of beating an electronic machine. What's more, playing video games does not allow people to use any of their creativity. There is also no opportunity for physical exercise, which young people are sadly lacking these days.

  Therefore, video arcades should be banned from cities and towns.



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