Loveof Life,第1张

Loveof Life,第2张

Tan Yanxi is one of my good friends. I met her four years ago. The weather of that day was rather bad. It was cold and raining hard. I was also sad that day because I had just failed in my English exam.

  I walked slowly on my way home with a heavy heart. Occasionally I looked up and suddenly saw a girl walking in the rain. I saw clearly that she was a lame [lame] (1)! She walked with difficulty in the rain, without an umbrella, and was wet all over. Suddenly she stopped. There was a puddle (水坑) in front of her. I went to her at once and said, “Hi! Let me help you.” She looked up. I saw the raindrop [raindrops] (2) running down from (3) her face. Her bright eyes told me that she was very surprised. After a few seconds she gave me a friendly smile and said, “Thank you!” I found some bricks and put them in the puddle, and then supported her to cross it. I wanted to lend her my umbrella but she declined (谢绝)。 She only gave me another smile before we parted.

  In this way we became friends, and close friends. Later I learned that when she was ten years old, she met an accident, which made her a lame [lame] (4)。 I was very sorry to hear that, but she smiled again. “Although I am a lame [lame] (5), I don't feel sad. I love life. Have you read the book Love of Life? It was written by Jack London. I like it very much.When I am in difficulty, I always say to myself, 'Believe yourself! And don't give up!’ So I always try my best to do everything I want to do.” When I heard these words, I felt she was so charming, though she was not a beautiful girl.

  From her I have learned a lot. I have come to understand better that one lives to fight difficulties and not to fear them.

  北京市海淀区铁道附中高三(6)班 杨晓健

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  (2)the raindrop特指某一滴雨水,或一种雨水,这里显然不妥,故改之。


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