A Cycling Trip to Tai Lake,第1张

A Cycling Trip to Tai Lake,第2张

It was spring holiday again. Our class went on a cycling excursion(旅游)to Tai Lake, the boundless expanse of blue water in my hometown.

  We started out so early in the morning that we saw twinkling stars in the still dark sky. The road was a bit wet because of the rain last night[the night before] (1)。 The street lights showed our way ahead.

  It proved to be a hard trip. We had to cycle three hours before we reached the waterfront. The road was slippery(滑的)and several students fell off their bicycle[bicycles] (2)accidentally(3)。 We managed to help each other along the way and arrived at the destination(目的地)with a feeling of triumph(胜利)。The weather turned out to be excellent with bright sunshine and gentle wind, just as we had expected.

  Here we saw the great morning scenes of Tai Lake. It looks [looked] (4)like a little shy[shy little] (5)girl, covered with [a](6)mysterious veil(神秘的面纱)。 Now and then, gentle breezes sent ripples across the peaceful water surface, which reflected the golden sunshine. That was the girl's smile. We were so impressed by the scenery that we forgot about the flying time and the hardships on the way.

  We did not head home until dusk(黄昏)。 Everyone was exhausted but no one complained. We talked about our experiences excitedly the next morning. It was one of the best spring trips we had ever had.

  无锡市山明中学初三(10)班 陆希星

  评 语

  这是一篇写得较好的游记,文笔较为老练,作者将太湖比作“害羞的小姑娘”,使描写更为生动,有些句子结构和用词反映出作者具有较好的英语语言基础,如:the boundless expanse of blue water, proved to be, turned out to be, head home 等等。文章中某些语言上的不足之处点评修改如下:







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