Faciall expression,第1张

Faciall expression,第2张

We have two different faces we can show the world. We can smile, or we can frown(皱眉)。 The face we choose to put on each day affects us a lot. Smiling is, of course, the better way to live.

  Smiling keeps us healthy. When we frown, we tighten(绷紧) up our faces and our bodies become tense(绷紧的,紧张的)。 A smiling face is a relaxed face. Smiling makes us feel good, and it keeps our bodies functioning(运行) better. Smiling also makes us look good. No one likes to look at a person who is frowning. Frowns are ugly(丑的)。 Such people make us want to turn and walk away. In addition, smiling is important for success in the business world and the social occasion. A smiling salesman will far outsell(在推销上胜过) a competitor who frowns. A smiling doctor will help his patients relax. A smiling lawyer will win the hearts of the jury(「律」陪审团)。

  In conclusion, smiling is good for our lives in every way. It is something that everyone knows how to do. All it takes is a little effort. However, we do not have to feel happy to start smiling as the song says,“when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you.”

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