

请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇 90- —— 120 词左右的短文,介绍你的暑假生活

  1. 暑假与祖父母在农村呆了 15 天,山和田野绿树成荫。

  2. 有时去村西的小河去洗澡,那里河水清澈。

  3. 每天写日记。

  4. 出了干农活,还帮助邻里的孩子们补习功课。

  5. 孩子们对英语很感兴趣,他们读、写都很好,但几乎听不懂简单的英语。

  6. 每天早上帮他们提高听力和口语,他们进步很大。

  7. 孩子们的父母对我高度赞扬。

  8. 农村确实需要知识。


  This year's summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear.

  I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed much interest in English. They could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countryside.

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