




  The Pigeons in Tokyo


  Last summer I made a ten-day visit to Japan. I went to Tokyo①,the capital of Japan, which is a very modern city. However, what made a lasting impression upon me was not the high buildings, but the pigeons that I happened to see at a subway ② station.

  I was sitting on a bench outside the station when I saw some pigeons flying here and there. They looked as if they were looking for something to eat. I like little animals, especially little birds, so I took some biscuits③ out of my bag and broke them into pieces. Soon a pigeon flew over and ate the biscuits from my hand! I got frightened and dropped the biscuits to the ground. The little birds started to eat the biscuits on the ground. In a short time many pigeons gathered in front of me.

  “Wow ④ !”I said to myself,“they don't fear men at all.” They soon ate up all the biscuits. And then the pigeons cooed around me; it seemed that they wanted more. I took out all the biscuits left in my bag. They again ate happily and cooed at the same time. I thought they were expressing thanks in this way. What lovely pigeons!

  Then came the train. I had to go. I took a last look at the pigeons and left.

  On my way to the hotel, I thought that the pigeons here were very close to people because people love them and never hurt them.

  I hope that all the people in China will also love and protect animals. If we all do our best to make animals live in peace, in the near future we will have a more beautiful and interesting world around us.



  ①Tokyo ['t+ukj+u] n. 东京(日本首都)

  ②subway ['s)bwei] n. 地下铁道

  ③biscuit ['biskit] n. 饼干

  ④wow [wau] int. 哇(表示惊奇、欢乐、痛苦、羡慕等)



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