



  Restaurant Manager Robbed

  A restaurant manager was robbed (被抢劫) of 2,866.03 by a gunman (持枪歹徒) just as he was about to drop the money in a night depository (保藏处) at a bank early this morning.

  Harold R. Long, manager of Burger Mart, 2490 Cumberland Ave, told police he had taken the money to the Westside Branch of First National Bank at midnight. Long said that just as he was about to drop the money in the night depository the gunman stepped out of the shadows, pointed a pistol (手枪) at him and grabbed (夺走) the canvas bank pouch (银行帆布袋)。

  Long said that before fleeing (逃走) on foot, the gunman threatened (威胁) him. Long drove to a nearby service station (服务站,修理站) and called police.


  A Restaurant Manager Was Robbed


  Whn the last customer left the Burger Mart at 2490 Cumberland Ave. ① about 11∶30 P.m., Harold R. Long, the manager, locked the front door and went to the office at the rear② of the building to prepare the bank deposit③ which he always dropped off at the bank on his way home. He left the restaurant about midnight and drove his car to the Westside Branch of First National Bank to deposit the 2,866.03. As he got out of his car in the bank parking lot④ and walked toward the night depository at the side of the building, he noticed a man standing in the shadows among some shrubs⑤ about 20 feet away. Just as Long reached to pull open the night depository, the man stepped out of the shadows and pointed a pistol at him. The man grabbed the canvas bank pouch from Long's hand and told him to stand still and not make a sound for five minutes. Long could hear the man running. As the sound grew faint, he turned around and rushed to his car. He drove two blocks to a service station where he called police, who are now still looking for the robber.



  ①the Burger Mart at 2490 Cumberland Ave. 位于Cumberland大街2490号的the Burger Mart餐馆

  ②rear[ri+]n. 后部;后面

  ③deposit [di'p&zit]n. 存款

  ④parking lot 停车场

  ⑤shrub[Mr)b]n. 灌木


  1)新闻英语文章的标题可以省略系动词“be”和冠词“a”或“the”;一般记叙文标题通常不省略,如“内容提示”中新闻报导的标题是“Restaurant Manager Robbed”,而“作文示范”文章的标题是“A Restaurant Manager Was Robbed”。

  2)新闻文章在标题下要有#写作翻译# 导语,用一句话把时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果交待清楚,如“内容提示”新闻报导的斜体字部分。

  3)记叙文的行文以作者的口气叙述事件,而新闻报导要借用有关人物的嘴来叙述事情经过,以体现报导的客观性,如上面新闻报导中多处出现“Long told”,“Long said”等。


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