

  I've got an open ticket.
  对 话
  Heather: I'm going on a round the world trip next month and I'm really looking forward to it.
  Sadie: Lucky you. Where will you be going?
  Heather: The UK, France, Italy, India, Thailand, China, Japan. Then it's back home.
  Sadie: Fantastic. How long will it take?
  Heather: I'm not sure yet. I've got an open ticket so I don't have to make my mind up before I go. I can change my plans as I go round.
  Sadie: Sounds great, I hope you have a fantastic time.
  希瑟:我下个月会去环游世界,真是望眼欲穿 。
  赛廸:你真幸福。 会去哪里呢?
  希瑟:英国、法国、意大利、 印度、 泰国、 中国、 日本, 然后回来。
  赛廸:那可好玩。 会去多久呢?
  希瑟:我还不能肯定。 我的机票没有固定期限, 所以出发前不必决定,途中可以临时改变计划。
  赛廸:那真不错, 祝你旅途愉快。
  飞机票有些没有限定使用日期,回程是什么时候,乘客可按情况决定,这类机票英文叫open ticket,最为方便,但也最为昂贵。有日期限制的,则叫restricted ticket,例如: You can save some money by buying a restricted ticket, which however does not offer the flexibility of an open ticket. (买日期有限制的机票,可省点钱,但没有无限期机票那么灵活)。
  旅游一般会买来回票,美式英文叫round-trip ticket,英式则叫return ticket;单程票美式英文叫one-way ticket;英式则叫single ticket,例如:(1) He bought a round-trip ticket to Taipei for his vacation. (他买了来回机票,到台北度假)。(2)He is relocating to the US, and so he bought a one-way ticket.(他移居美国,所以买了单程票)。
  赛廸看到朋友去环游世界,很羡慕的说:Lucky you!口语Lucky you/me等,有‘你/我真幸福’、‘你/我真幸运’的意思,但也可作反话,表示‘不幸’,例如:"You are called for jury duty." "Lucky me!" (‘你被召做陪审员。’‘唉,真是我的运气!’)。
  最后谈谈I'm really looking forward to it 一语。Look forward to三字连用,是动词词组(phrasal verb),那to是介系词(preposition) ,不是带出原形动词(infinitive)的to。介系词之后必须用名词、代名词、动名词(gerund)等,所以书信收束常用的I am looking forward to hearing from you.(静待回复)一语,不可改为to hear。

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