The Stability of a Society Depends on How it Respo

The Stability of a Society Depends on How it Respo,第1张

The Stability of a Society Depends on How it Respo,第2张

In today's world, the international situation is, on the whole, moving towards relaxation. However, conflicts and even local wars have kept cropping up, and tension still remains in some areas. Whether a society in trouble can remain stable largely depends on how it responses to the extremes of human behavior.

  Let's get down to fundamentals and agree that the majority of people are law forbidden citizens people would feel quite comfortable to live a peaceful life, and would not ask for trouble if trouble doesn't trouble them. Only in one situation people may lose their sense. Unwise decisions and finally, against their real intension, throw the country into confusion. That's when some groups have caused tension or conflict. At that time, a nation's destiny will be in the hand of its response. A strong country would be capable of handling the event. It would immediately take measures to minimum the losses; comfort it's people, confirm them "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself . "; describe a bright future and put the reconstruction plan into action effectively. In this way, the society, as a whole, won't be much influenced. On the contrary, a weak country would possibly be taken by surprise. Anxiety, desperation might occupy people's heart, impulse would take the place of sense, and at last, the consequences would be beyond everybody's imagination. So, we can say, a nation's response in emergency is of the utmost importance. If one can't deduce it from general principles, he can easily know it from concrete examples.

  The 9.11 event, for instance, did weaken America to some extent, but it also shows the strength of the great nation, especially people in its financial center New York. After the plane crashed into the Pentagon, the world is shocked. But American citizens still act calmly. People working in that building walked down orderly, giving way to the wounded; the medical workers hurried to the spot, giving first aid:the mayor made out a series of strategies to bring the city back to peace; even the President himself made a encouraging speech to comfort all his people. Not long after that, everything is back to normal (stock index not included)。 America still stands as it was.

  Unfortunately, things in Brazil didn't go that well. Small fluctuation in economy (here I'd like to broaden the meaning of "extremes of human behavior")drove people to rush to cash their money in the bank, as if their deposits were to become a pile of waste paper in no time. Of course, banks were not prepared to afford such a large sum of money. The result? The economy in Brazil still lies in paralysis today.

  The above point is still easier to understand, if we compare the society to a forest. It's common knowledge that the less its ecosystem is influenced by external forces (such as storms,floods), the more stable it is. The same principle can also be used in our society.

  So, I firmly believe, the stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior.

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