My mottos of Life,第1张

My mottos of Life,第2张

I got my inspiring mottos when I was just a junior student,accidentally from newspaper. I had been endowed with everything I wanted before that time including my beloved parents who treat me as their treasure. My out-going character which made me get along with different people easily and the fact that I was most proud of was that I could always achieve what I desired through diligence. I thought that it was my future, bright and promising until I entered my junior middle school, the so-calledelite class. God probably wants me to know that life is no easy work. There I found myself lost because no matter how hard I tried, I could never squeeze myself into the top 10. I felt helpless, a strange feeling I had never tasted, and then depressed.Since I couldn't change the fact, why should I strive? Thus, I became lazy and my study became worse, until I found this sentence: "Don't be proud when you fulfill your goal and don't lose your will when are in adversity.“In Chinese,it is”得志时莫得意,失意时莫失志“。I Said yes to myself,that was just the advice I needed.

  When I first entered that class, I didn't take everything seriously since I thought everything would be mine. But as the saying goes "Failure always follows pride." Being proud will lose one's morale. People tend to be lazy and enjoy the comfortable safe life. Since one has been satisfied about his life, he will stop his steps to chase after higher goals. Instead he will be indulged in the status quo and taste his past exploit. The goal is what set you out, make you succeed. Without it, where will you go? The only way is to stand still and let others pass you. Besides, pride makes you rude towards others since you think all the rest people are inferior to you, which is ridiculous. Li, Zicheng, the famous farmer revolutionist was cited as a negative example by Mao Zedong. The Ming Dynasty, in fact, was taken over by him but he didn't keep his power more than half a year. Why? Because he lost his alertness to others. Instead he hurried to enjoy the luxurious royal life, thus when the Qing Army attacked the capital,he found his army unable to fight.

  The motto is suitable for not only genius but also ordinary people as you and me. Maybe we cannot do things as well as the genius but at least, everyday, we are striding forward, making progress and challenging ourselves.

  Since I got the motto, I became diligent again and set up my mind to go beyond myself and up till now, I can get what I want, perhaps not completely, but at least partially.

  When I achieve what I desire, I'll always set higher standards to myself and when I am in adversity, I can clearly hear Mariah Cassay sing to me.

  Hold on. There'll be tomorrow. In time, you'll find the way.

  简 评


  “得志时莫得意,失意时莫失志”。年少时的少年轻狂,学习上的暂时挫折,在遇到这句话时作者翻然醒悟。本文以亲身经历作为佐证,有很强的说服力。作者联想丰富、文笔流畅,其中不乏语言闪光点,如:"I had been endowed with everything.……"描述当初的得意:"How hard I tried,I could never squeeze myself into the top 10",描述进入中学的失意:"……and set up my mind to go beyond myself"描述想要"超越自我"的豪气等等。这些语言为全文增色不少。

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