

The Best Competition Is With Our Self!

  Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen,

  My topic is “The best competition is with our self”. This year, when the informal ten thousand meters race in my university started, I was again a mere spectator. My friends and I exclaimed that only some superman could survive such a long distance. Suddenly, my eyes were attracted to a student who was running unsteadily. I couldn't believe my eyes that his left leg was crippled. I watched in silence when all the other runners surpassed him one by one, and he slowly moved forward. In the process, some runners gave up, while he continued trying. Tears streamed down my face, as I sat there, and watched in disbelief, amazement and even respect, when he pushed forward with sheer determination in the last lap. Finally, he came to the finish. The whole stadium broke into a storm of applause that surpassed that for the winner, and everyone stood up, cheering for the hero.

  I was deeply touched. For him, it was not about beating the other runners, or winning the competition, but finishing what he had set out to do, no matter what.

  Ladies and gentlemen, the world becomes more and more competitive and we face more and more challenges. How can we survive in this competitive world successfully and happily? We must have our own aim, and try to fulfill it. Everybody is unique. We are not competing with others; rather we are competing with our self. Life will be much simpler, and we will be happier to enjoy our miracles and achievements.

  So, next time, when there is a challenge like the long distance race, I suggest all of us take the chance if you want to, not for winning the competition, but for enjoying the process and improving our self.

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