实用英语写作技巧 (第30单元)

实用英语写作技巧 (第30单元),第1张

实用英语写作技巧 (第30单元),第2张

第三十单元 关键词作文Key Words Composition

30.1 Introduction

In this kind of composition,a series of key words are given together with the title.It requires students' imagination and association in connecting the words logically without going astray from the main topic.

Sample Test Item

指示:在30分钟内以“City and Countryside”为题,写一篇120词左右的短文,必需包括下列关键词及表达方式,要求使用正确、恰当。

Key Words and Expressions:

similarities differences environment

transportation education entertainment

colourful boring public health servic

reduce the gap

30.2 Analysis and Advice on How to Achieve Successful Writing

1) Read the directions carefully,and try to understand each word or phrase including the title;

2)Find out the relationship between the key words and the title;

The analysis of the above tells us that we should use the technique of comparison & contrast to write the essay,showing the differences between the city and the country-side.

3)Analyse the key words,then organize your idea logicall;According to the title and the key words,we know that the purpose of the writing is to discuss the similarities and differences of the city and the countryside.You should divide the key words into three paragraphs.In the first paragraph,introduce the main topic— the city and the countryside have both similarities and differences;In the second paragraph,discuss the different fields—environment,education,transportation,entertainment and health service in the city and countryside;In the end,summarize the whole passage.

4)Write an appropriate topic sentence for each paragraph before starting your essay;

a.topic introducer:The city and the countryside are similar in some ways,but there still exist great differences in several areas.

b.topic sentence:Generally speaking,the city and the countryside differ mainly in the fields of environment,transportation,public health service,edtucation and entertainment.

City Countryside

environment polluted fresh,clean

transportation convenient,cheap difficult,costly

public health service well-equipped poor-equipped

education advanced backward

entertainment colourful boring

c.Conclusion:As we have seen,there are still great differences between the city and the countryside,but further economic development will certainly reduce the gap between the two in the near future.

Model Essay 30-1

The city and the countryside are similar in some ways,but there still exist great differences in several areas.Generally speaking,the city and the countryside differ mainly in the fields of environment,transportation,public health service,education and entertaintment.

First of all,in the city public transport is good and brings people to almost any place in a short time and for little money while travelling in the countryside is difficult and costly.On the other hand,heavy traffic and business activities in the city pollute the environment whereas the air in the countryside is fresh and clean and filled with bird songs.Secondly,people in the city can get advanced education;However students in the countryside can not.What's more,if city dwellers are ill,it is easy for them to get treatment in a well-equipped hospital;On the contrary,the rural population has to travel long distances to see a doctor.Finally,the many stores,cinemas,dancing halls and restaurants make life in the city colorful as opposed to the simple and some people even say boring life in the countryside.

As we have seen,there are still great differences between the city and the countryside,but further economic development will certainly reduce the gap between the two in the near future.

Writing Assignment for Unit 30

指示:(略)Students In Colleges and High Schools

Key Words and Expressions:

similarities,differences,homework,attend classes,call the parents,under the supervision of,treated as adults,study hard,enjoy sports and games,talk with friends and classmates

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