Nuts and Bolts in a nutshell,第1张

Nuts and Bolts in a nutshell,第2张

These are rules of thumb, not commandments. Break them when you think you should, but follow them most of the time.

  1. Be playful. Don't lock yourself into a particular argument too quickly. As you think and develop your ideas, expect them to change and go in directions you hadn't anticipated. Expect to be surprised by what you say.

  2. Build your thesis on a strong verb. Try to sum up your argument in one clear, active sentence.

  3. Develop a plain style characterized by active verbs and straightforward syntax. Avoid big words, being verbs, the passive voice, nominalizations, and jargon……

  4. Be sensitive to the rhythm of your sentences. Balance long against short, fast against slow, general against specific.

  5. Pay close attention to the beginnings and ends of paragraphs. These are natural emphasis points.

  6. Remember that an argument unfolds in steps. In essays the natural way to express these steps is in paragraphs (not to say that each logical unit = one paragraph). Make sure your paragraph structure is in sync with your argument.

  7. When you're done with the draft, compare your initial claim with what you actually end up arguing over the course of the essay. If your claim and the essay itself don't quite fit, figure out how to reconcile them. You may have strayed from the right path—or you may have thought up a better approach. Make sure to check back with the original assignment—is your essay in tune with it?

  8. Consider your evidence. Have you ended up using the best source material? Have you pruned quotations so as to use only the most effective passages? Have you woven your quotes into your paper? Have you followed the formatting requirements for your course and field?

  9. Now that you're done, polish your beginning and ending. Fast start and strong ending.

  10.When you (think you) are done, spell-check the document. Also print out a draft and read it, pencil in hand, expecting to find mistakes. You'll find them.

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