



  1. A breath of fresh air: 带来新气象的人
  “Joelle is so lovely and lively that she is a breath of fresh air for the whole family.”

  2. The calm before the storm: 暴风雨来临前的宁静
  “The serene atmosphere in the factory is just the calm before the storm. Once the new boss comes, things will radically change.”

  3. A dose/ taste of one's own medicine: 尝尝自己的药,即用同样方法对待对方
  “Tony has smeared John's reputation. It is now time for Tony to have a dose of his own medicine.”

  4. A drop in the ocean: 海洋中的一滴水,即沧海一粟
  “For a banker like Mr Huang, a donation of one million dollars is nothing but a drop in the ocean.”

  5. Force of circumstances: 时势所逼
  “Owing to force of circumstances, the man has to dispose of his house to settle all his debts.”

  6. (All) grist to one's mill: 可利用之物
  “As a writer, social ills and problems are all grist to his mill.”

  7. A home from home: 第二个家;宾至如归之地
  “Many foreigners come to work and stay in Singapore; they regard this country as a home from home.”

  8. A jack of all trades: 一个样样都懂的人
  “If you have any repairing work to do, just ask Xiao Li, who is a jack of all trades.”

  9. A leap/ shot in the dark: 不顾后果的冒险行为;没事实根据的猜测
  “To enter the hiding place of the gangsters is a leap in the dark. Don't do it!/ Tom's answer, though correct, was only a shot in the dark.”

  10. The lesser of two evils: 两害之较轻者
  “Employing a person who is loyal but not very capable is better than employing one who is very capable but disloyal; the former is the lesser of two evils.”

  11. The life and soul of the party: 聚会的灵魂人物
  “Thanks to Helen, all had a good time at the get-together. Helen was really the life and soul of the party.”

  12. The man in the street: 一个普通人
  “Such sophisticated music cannot appeal to the man in the street.”

  13. The man of the hour: 风云人物
  “Jason achieved one success after another. No doubt, he is the man of the hour.”

  14. A pack of lies: 一连串的谎言
  “Don't listen to him! What he has said is a pack of lies.”

  15. Rule of thumb: 凭经验而来的方法
  “Many people consider English verbs difficult. Is there a rule of thumb for mastering English verbs?/ As a rule of thumb, you have to pay $100 a month for every $1000 you borrow.”

  16. The run of the mill: 例常的事
  “There is nothing special about my work; it is just the run of the mill.”

  17. A shot in the arm: 一剂兴奋剂
  “The favourable opinion poll gave the biggest opposition party a shot in the arm.”

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