



  (1) An eager beaver:做事特别卖力的人
  Every year during the long holidays in June and December, many people go abroad for a tour except Jason, an eager beaver, who will at most take a few days off in Singapore.

  (2) A busy bee:忙碌的人
  There isn't much to do today, but Nancy has been rushing here and there like a busy bee.

  (3) Have a bee in one's bonnet about…… : 对……苦思不已
  As a low-income bread-earner, Ali has a bee in his bonnet about increasing his monthly income.

  (4) Make a bee-line for ……:径直朝向……
  After class, student rushed out of classroom, making a bee-line for the nearest canteen.

  (5) An early bird:早起的人
  Morning walk at six? No problem ! I'm an early bird, you know.

  (6) A home bird:爱在家里的人
  Jason's youngest son doesn't care for social life; he is a home bird through and through.

  (7) A bird's-eye, view of……:鸟瞰;概观
  (i) From the plane, we can have a bird's eye view of the Singapore buildlngs.
  (ii) Jason's new book can give the reader a bird's eye view of elements of good English.

  (8) A cat nap:瞌睡
  Between lunch and the 2 p.m. class, there is at least half an hour for a cat nap.

  (9) Lead a cat-and-dog life:过着吵吵闹闹的日子
  Poor couples often lead a cat-and-dog life because of financial problems. Don't you think so?

  (10) Let the cat out of the bag:泄露秘密
  David was planning a surprise birthday party for Irene, but his new secretary let the cat out of the bag in a casual talk.

  (11) There is not enough room to swing a cat:没有活动的余地
  How can you live and do your design work in such a small room? There isn't enough room to swing a cat, is there?

  (12) Rain cats and dogs:倾盆大雨
  We can't go out yet. It is raining cats and dogs at the moment.

  (13) No chicken:不再是小孩
  Don't treat Lily like a kid! She is no chicken now.

  (14) A cock-and-bull story:无稽之谈
  Whenever Tom was late for work, he would tell a cock-and-bull story as an excuse.

  (15) Wait till the cows come home: 无限期的等待
  Don't lend him money. If you want him to pay back, you have to wait till the cows come home.

  (16) Crocodile tears:鳄鱼泪
  Jane seemed very sad at the old man's death. Actually, she was only shedding crocodile tears because she never really liked that old man.

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