

Don't talk while having dinner.? 吃饭时不要说话。

  When crossing the street, do be careful.? 过马路时要小心。



  Having lived in London for years, I almost know every place quite well.? 在伦敦住过多年,我几乎对每个地方都很熟悉。

  Seriously injured, he had to be taken to hospital.? 由于伤得严重,只好把他送往医院。


  The fire lasted nearly a month, leaving nothing valuable.? 大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有用的东西。

  Football is played in more than 80 countries, making it a popular sport.? 80多个国家都踢足球,因此足球成了一种很流行的运动。


  I stood by the door, not daring to say a word.? 我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。


  United, we stand; divided, we fall.? 联合起来我们就能站立,分裂我们必然倒下。

  Being more careful, you can make fewer mistakes.? 如果你更细心,你会犯更少的错误。

  强调条件时,可以在前面加上unless, once等。如:

  You shouldn't come in unless asked to.? 不让你进来你不准进来。

  Once losing this chance, you can't easily find it.? 一旦失去这次机会你就很难找回。




  Supper finished (=After supper was finished), we started to discuss the picnic.? 吃完晚饭,我们开始讨论野餐的事。

  All the tickets having been sold out (=As all the tickets having been sold out), we had to wait for the next week's show.? 所有的票都卖出去了,我们只好等着看下周的演出。


  The football match (being) over, crowds of people poured out into the steet.? 足球赛五结束,从群便涌到大街上。

  Nobody (being) in, I didn't enter the hall.??? 里面没有人,我没进大厅。


  He lay there thinking, his hands behind his head (with his hands behind his head).? 他双手放在头下,躺在那里思考着。

  The river looks more beautiful, flowers and grass growing on both sides(=with flowers and grass growing on both sides).? 这条河看上去更加漂亮,因为两岸长满了鲜花和绿草。


  The children looked at us, with their eyes opening wide.? 孩子们眼睛睁得大大地看着我。

  I would miss the train, with no one to wake me up.? 没人叫我,我会错过火车的。

  The river with grass and flowers on both sides runs through our schoolyard.? 这条两河两岸长满鲜花和绿草正从我们校园穿过。

  With the examinations over, we had a long time to rest.? 考试结束了,我们有一段长长的时间可以休息。


  generally/strictly/roughly/broadly/narrowly speaking, judging from/by, considering, supposing, providing, provided等。如:

  Talking of the computer, I like it very much.? 谈到电脑,我非常喜欢。

  Considering the time, we have decided to start early tomorrow morning.? 考试到时间,我们已经决定明早一早出发。

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