


101. I won't...unless... 除非……否则我不会…….
I won't write to him unless he writes to me first. 我不会写信给他的,除非他先写给我.
102. I used to... 我过去常常…….
I used to go play basketball with some of my friends every Saturday afternoon.
103. I would advise you to... 我会建议你…….
I would advise you to get up earlier on Mondays, because there's always a traffic jam.
104. I would appreciate it if... 如果……,我会非常感激.
I would appreciate it if you call me back this evening. 如果你晚上给我回电话,我会非常感激.
105. I would like to recommend... 我想推荐…….
I would like to recommend the Vietnamese cuisine in that restaurant.
[cuisine n. 烹饪;烹调风格]
106. I would like to... rather than... 我宁愿……也不…….
I would like to take a walk rather than watch TV this weekend.
107. I would rather...than... 我宁愿……,而不愿…….
I would rather stay at home than go shopping on such humid day.
108. I wouldn't feel happy if... 如果……我会不高兴的.
I wouldn't feel happy if you didn't come to my birthday party.
109. I'd be happy to..., if you'd like. 如果你愿意,我很高兴…….
I'd be happy to show you around, if you'd like. 如果你愿意,我很高兴带你四处看看.
110. I'd like to know more about... 我想了解更多关于…….
I'd like to know more about the project you are carrying out.
111. I'd like to suggest you do... 我想建议你…….
I'd like to suggest you take the test when you are still in school.
112. I'd like /love to, but... 我很想,但…….
I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'm otherwise engaged. 我很想,但恐怕我已经另有安排了.
[ 拒绝别人邀请的经典句型.]
113. I'm (not) certain... 我(不)确定…….
I'm certain that you will get over your laziness. 我确信你会克服你的惰性的.
114. I'm afraid I won't be able to... 恐怕我不能…….
I'm afraid I won't be able to finish the task before Friday.
115. I'm busy with (doing)... 我正忙于…….
Don't bother me — I'm busy with (doing) my project right now.
116. I'm considering (doing)... 我正考虑…….
I'm considering buying a second-hand computer for I'm short of money now.
117. I'm convinced that... 我确信…….
I'm convinced that what you said is quite right. 我相信你所说的相当正确.
118. I'm curious to (do)/about... 我对(做)……很好奇.
I'm curious to know what was happening outside. 我很好奇,想知道外面发生了什么事.
119. I'm determined to...我决定…….
I'm determined to read 10 books this month. 这个月我决定读十本书.
120. I'm getting a little concerned about... 我对……有点担忧.
I'm getting a little concerned about the results of my TOEFL test. 我对我的托福考试成绩有点担忧. [TOEFL = Test of English as a Foreign Language英语作为外国语的考试(也称托福考试)(美国大学对外国学生入学前的英语测试)]
121. I'm interested in...我对……感兴趣.
I'm interested in joining the English corner. 我有兴趣参加英语角.
122. I'm (just) calling to... 我打电话来是要…….
I am (just) calling to confirm my flight number. 我打电话来是要确认我的航班号.
123. I'm (not) sure... 我(不是)很确定…….
I'm not sure if I should accept that job offer in Hong Kong.
124. I'm not very interested in... 我对……不是很感兴趣.
I'm not very interested in listening to classical music. 我对听古典音乐不是很感兴趣.
125. I'm occupied (with)... 我忙于…….
I'm occupied with preparing for the final exams; don't bother me!
126. I'm really fond of... 我的确喜欢…….
I'm really fond of surfing the Internet; it is pretty convenient. 我的确喜欢上网,上网真的很方便.
127. I'm really / terribly / extremely sorry for... 我对……感到非常抱歉.
I'm really sorry for the delay of the report. 报告延误上交,我对此感到非常抱歉.
I28. I've been thinking about... 我一直想…….
I've been thinking about going to France to study art. 我一直想去法国学艺术.
129. I have a desire to... 我非常渴望…….
I have a strong desire to speak good English. 我非常渴望说一口流利的英语.
130. I've decided to... 我已经决定…….
I've decided to run for the monitor of our class. 我已经决定竞选班长了. [run for:竞选]
[疯狂提醒] 接下来的四个句型都是虚拟语气句型,请疯狂操练,坚决攻克这一难点.
131. If I did..., I would... 如果我……,我会…….
If I knew his number, I would phone him. 如果我知道他的电话号码,我会打电话给他的.
132. If I had done..., I would have done... 如果我……,我就会…….
If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.
133. If I were you... I would... 如果我是你……,我就会…….
If I were you, I would get rid of this bad habit. 如果我是你,我就会改掉这个坏习惯.
134. If only...! 真希望……!若是……那该多好啊!
If only she would accept my invitation! 要是她接受我的邀请该多好啊1
135. If it is possible, ... 可能的话…….
1) If it is possible, I'd like to see you tomorrow. 若可能,我想明天见你.
2) If it is possible, lend me your car tonight. 若可能,今晚把你的车借给我.
136. If you ask me, I think... 如果你问我,我认为…….
If you ask me, I think you should practice more. 如果你问我,我认为你应该多加练习.
137. If you want to..., you'll have to... 如果你想……,你将不得不…….
If you want to remember more words, you'll have to read a lot in English.
138. In a word... 总之,…
In a word, money is something but not everything. 总之,金钱很重要,但它不是万能的.
139. In brief/short, ...,简言之,…….
1) In brief, we cannot please everyone all the time. 简而言之,我们无法总是让每个人都满意.
2) In short, science frees us from the bondage of nature. It has made our lives easier and more comfortable.总之,科学把我们从自然的束缚中解脱出来,使我们生活得更加轻松舒适.
[bondage n.束缚;奴役]
140. In conclusion, ...最后,…….聪之,…….
In conclusion, I find mutual understanding plays a key role in building a friendly relationship.
141. In general, ... -—般而言,…….
In general, graduates who speak good English will have more chances than those who don't.
142. In my opinion /view, ... 我认为…….
In my opinion, we should never abandon hope for success.
我认为我们永远都不应该放弃对成功的希望. [abandon..放弃;遗弃]
143. In order to..., you should... 为了..…•,你应该..….
In order to understand this essay fully, you should read more about its author.
144. In other words, ... 换句话说,…….
In other words, you should read and speak English crazily every day.
145. In that case,… 既然那样,……. │
In that case, I have no more to say.既然那样,我没什么好说的了.
146. ...is of great importance. ......很重要. │
If you want to succeed in life, I think to set a goal for yourself is of great importance.
147. Is it convenient for you to... 你是否方便……
Is it convenient for you to post this letter for me when you go out
148. Is it OK if… 如果……可以吗
Is it OK if I borrow your notebook tonight 我今晚借你的笔记本可以吗
149. Is it possible to... …有可能吗
Is it possible to exchange the milk shake for the ice cream
可以把奶昔换成雪糕吗 [milkshake:奶昔]
150. Is there a better way to... ……有没有更好的方法
Is there a better way to search for images on the Internet
151. Is there any chance you could possibly... 你有没有可能……
Is there any chance you could possibly come to China 你有没有可能来中国
152. Is there anything else that... 还有别的……吗
Is there anything else that you don't understand 你还有什么不懂的地方吗
153. It appears that... 看来…,/ 似乎…
It appears that great progress has been made in the IT industry.
154. It depends on whether... 这取决于……是否…….
It depends on whether you are determined to do it or not. 这取决于你是否决心要做这件事情.
155. It doesn't make sense to...…没有任何意义.
It doesn't make sense to argue with him. 和他争论没有任何意义.
156. It doesn't matter whether /if... 如果……也没关系.
It doesn't matter if you have made mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and you'll make progress.
157. It goes without saying that... 理应如此/不言而喻.
It goes without saying that women should have equal rights and opportunities with men.
158. It makes a / no difference (to sb.) ... (对某人来说)……很重要/无所谓.
It makes no difference to me whether you go or not. 你去不去对我来说都无所谓.
159. It occurred to me that... ……浮现于我的脑中.俄想起…….
It suddenly occurred to me that ' knew how to solve that problem.
160. It won't do any harm to... 没有坏处.
It won't do any harm to try it. 试试又不会有什么坏处.
161. It would be wonderful if... 要是……那就太好了.
It would be wonderful if we can go visit Mount Emei this summer!
162. It happened that...……很偶然.
It happened that I won the football lottery last week. 我上星期偶然中了足彩.
[ lottery n. 彩票;奖券]
163. It helps if ... 如果……的话,将会(对某人)有帮助/好处.
It helps if you can conquer your shyness and yell out English crazily.
164. It's amazing (that) ...……很了不起.
It's amazing (that) China became the third country that launched a manned spacecraft.
165. It is/was...that/who... [强调句句型]
It was Edward who told me about it. 告诉我这件事的是爱德华.
166. It is bad to....……是不好的.
It is bad to push yourself too hard. Just try your best. 把自己逼得太紧不好.尽力而为就行了.
167. It's hard to imagine...…很难想像…….
It's hard to imagine how he made it without any help. 很难想像没有人帮助,他是怎样成功的.
168. It is believed that...…人们认为…….
It is believed that what she said is true. 大家相信她的话是真的.
169. It didn't /won't take long before... 没多久坏需要多久……就…….
It didn't take long before he got used to life abroad. 没多久他就适应了国外的生活.
170. It is easier to... than to.......比.....容易.
It is easier to buy a car than to keep one. 买车容易养车难.
171. It is easy enough to...……相当容易.
It is easy enough to copy and paste; but you should write something by yourself.
172.It is essential that... 有必要……. [主语从句使用虚拟语气]
It is essential that effective measures be taken to protect our civil rights.
173. It is good manners to do...……是有礼貌的表现.
It is good manners to bring along a small gift or some flowers when you are invited to dinner by a foreign friend.
174. It is high time ... 现在是……的时候了./早就应该……了. [从句使用虚拟语气]
It is high time we stopped talking about this silly question.
175. It is hoped that... 希望…….
It is hoped that no one was seriously injured in the car crash.
176. It is important that... ……是很重要的. [主语从句使用虚拟语气]
It is important that something be done before it's too late.
177. It's long been my dream to...……一直是我的梦想.
It's long been my dream to make a speech in English. 用英语发表演讲一直是我的梦想.
178. It is (very /not) likely that... (很/没)有可能…….
It is likely that it will rain this afternoon. 今天下午很有可能下雨.
179. It is (not) necessary to...……是(没)有必要的.
1) I think it is necessary to look before you leap. 我觉得三思而后行是有必要的.
2) When invited, it is not necessary for you to bring anything with you. 去做客不一定非要带礼物.
180. It is no use doing sth. 做某事是毫无用处的.
It is no use talking without doing. 光说不做是没有用的.
181. It is not unusual for sb. to do... 某人做……不足为奇.
It is not unusual for the British people to drink tea. 英国人喝茶不足为奇.
182. It is possible /impossible to...……是(不)可能的.
It's impossible to predict the outcome of the game.
要预知比赛结果是不可能的. [ outcome n. 结果;成果]
1 83. It is dangerous to......危险.
It is dangerous to explore the jungle with so many wild animals around.
184. It is (rather) common to do... ……(相当)普遍.
It is rather common for women to hold important positions in companies now.
185. It is reported that...据说……./据报导…….
It is reported that the world famous football star will come to China next year.
186. lt is required that... 要求……. [主语从句使用虚拟语气l
It is required that every student (should) attend the meeting this afternoon.
187. It is said that... 据说…….
It is said that Liu Xiang will come to our city soon. 据说刘翔不久将来我市.
188. It is thought that... 人们认为…….
It is thought that man's ability to learn languages makes him different from the animals.
189. It is (not) true that... ……(不)是真的.
It is true that city life is much more exciting than country life.
190. It is (very) difficult to...……(非常)困难.
It is very difficult to foretell what the world will be like in the future.
很难预测将来的世界会怎样. [ foretell v. 预言;预测]
191. Ifs really a challenge for me to...……对我来说确实是一个挑战.
It's really a challenge for me to take this job, and I thin I will appreciate working with you.
192. It is (very) useful to...……很有用.
It is very useful to recite English sentences and passages.
193. It is/ was obvious/clear that... 很明显…….
It is obvious / clear that she is terribly nervous on stage. 很明显她在台上非常紧张.
194. It seems / seemed that... 好像…….似乎…….
It seemed that no one knew what had happened.似乎无人知道发生了什么事.
195. It sounds like ...…听起来好像…….
It sounds like a good idea. 听起来这主意不错.
196. It takes / took / will take sb. some time / money to do sth.
It took me years of hard work to speak good English.
197. It wasn't until…that... 直到……才…….
It wasn't until yesterday that I got your letter. 我直到昨天才收到你的来信.
198.It would be wonderful if... 如果……那就太好了.
It would be wonderful if we can get together on Christmas. 如果圣诞节我们能聚一聚那就太好了.
199. It's not /just like sb. to do sth.……的行为不/正像某人的一贯作风.
lt's not like Jim to be late for class. He regards time as the most important thing in life.
200. lt's a bad habit to...……是一个坏习惯.
It's a bad habit to put off things until the last minute. 把事情拖到最后一刻才做是个坏习惯.

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