


1. control has been described as a closed system consisting of six elements. One of the six elements is
a setting performance standards.
B adequately securing data files.
C approval of audit charter.
D establishment of independent audit function.

A yes. There are four essential elements of control: 1. establishment of objectives, 2. adoption of standards, 3 comparison of actual results with adopted standards, and 4.corrective action taken as needed. These four elements of control provide reasonable assurance to management that established objectives and goals will be achieved. However, Sawyer’s Internal Auditing (iia 1988,p,979),on which this question is based, describes a six-element system: 1 setting standards, 2 measuring performance,, 3 analyzing performance and comparing it with the standards, 4 evaluating deviations and bring them to the attention of appropriate persons, 5 correcting deviations, and 6 following up on corrective action.
B adequately securing data files is not an element of a closed control system.

2 Specific airline ticket information, including fare class, purchase date, and lowest available fare options, as prescribed in the company’s travel policy, is obtained and reported to department management when employee purchase airline tickets from the company’s authorized travel agency. Such a report provides information for
A.quality of performance in relation to the company’s travel policy.
B.Identifying costs necessary to process employee business expense report data.
C.Departmental budget-to-actual comparisons.
D.Supporting employer’s business expense deductions.

A yes feedback is a part of the internal control cycle. It provides a basis for comparing actual performance (purchases of tickets given the available options) with standards (company policy).
B no. this ticket information is preliminary :employees may change tickets and routings prior to their trip.
C no. this information does not necessarily reflect the actual costs ultimately incurred.
D no, same as C

3 which of the following activities represents both an appropriate personnel department function and a deterrent to payroll fraud?
A distribution of paychecks.
B Authorization of overtime.
C Authorization of additions and deletions from the payroll.
D Collection and retention of unclaimed paychecks.

C yes. The payroll department is responsible for assembling payroll information (record keeping). The personnel department is responsible for authorizing employee transactions such an hiring , firing, and changes in pay rates and deductions. Segregating the recording and authorization functions helps prevent fraud.
A no. the treasurer should perform the asset custody function regarding payroll.
B no. Authorizing overtime is a responsibility of operating management.
D no. unclaimed checks should be in the custody of the treasurer until they can be deposited in a special bank account.

4. The most appropriate method to control the frequent movement of trailers loaded with valuable metal scrap from the manufacturing plant to the company scrap yard about 10 miles away would be to
A.Perform complete physical inventory of the scrape trailers before leaving the plant and upon arrival at the scrap yard.
B.Require existing security guards to log the time of plant departure and scrap yard arrival. The elapsed time should be reviewed by a supervisor for fraud.
C.Use armed guards to escort the movement of the trailers from the plant to the scrap yard.
D.Contract with an independent hauler for the removal of scrap.

B yes. Having the security guards record the times of departure and arrival is a cost-effective control because it entails no additional expenditures. Comparing the time elapsed with the standard time allowed and investigating material variances may detect a diversion of part of the scrap.
A no. performing a complete physical inventory of the scrap at both locations would not be economically feasible.
C no. Hiring armed guards to escort the scrap trailers is unlikely to be necessary unless the scrap is extremely valuable. Logging departures and arrivals will be sufficient in most cases.
D no. using an independent hauler would provide no additional assurance of prevention or detection of wrongdoing.

5. A utility company with a large investment in repair vehicles would most likely implement which internal control to reduce the risk of vehicle theft of loss?
A.Review insurance coverage for adequacy.
B.Systematically account for all repair work orders.
C.Physically inventory vehicles and reconcile the results with the accounting records.
D.Maintain vehicles in a secured location with release and return subject to approval by a custodian.

D yes. Physical control of assets is a preventive control that reduces the likelihood of theft or other loss. Keeping the vehicles at a secure location and restricting access establishes accountability by the custodian and allows for proper authorization of their use.
A no. insurance provides for indemnification if loss or theft occurs. It reduces financial exposure but does not prevent the actual loss or theft.
B no. an internal control designed to ensure control over repair work performed has no bearing on the risk of loss.
C no Taking an inventory is a detective, not a preventive, control

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