

A Humorous Story

  A man went to see his doctor one day because he was suffering from pains in his stomach. After the doctor had examined him carefully, he said to him, “well, there's nothing really wrong with you, I'm glad to say. Your only trouble is that you worry too much. Do you know, I had a man with the same trouble as you in here a few weeks ago, and I gave him the same advice as I'm going to give you. He was worried because he couldn't pay his tailor's bills. I told him not to worry his head about the bills any more. He followed my advice and when he came to see me again two days ago, he told me that he now felt quite all right again.”

  “Yes, I know all about that,” answered the patient sadly. “You see, I'm that man's tailor.”


  一天,有一个人因为胃难受去看医生,医生替他仔细检查后,对他说:“我很高兴地其实你根本没什么病,你的毛病就是你太担忧了。知道吗,几星期前,我这里来了一位与你同样毛病的人,和你一样,我给了他同样的忠告。他担忧是因为他付不起 裁缝的账,我告诉他不必再为那些帐单伤脑筋,他接受了我的忠告。前两天来看我时,他告诉我,他现在感觉很好。”


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