


Lesson 93 The Proposal 建议  


  external adj. 外部的,表面的

  extinct adj. (动物)灭绝的;(火山)不再活跃的;熄灭的

  extinction n. 消失,灭绝

  extinguish v. 熄灭,消灭,扑灭

  extol vt. 赞美

  extort v. 勒索,强夺

  extract n. 榨出物,精华;vt. 得到;榨出

  extravagant adj. 过分的,过度的,放肆的;奢侈的

  extremity n. 末端;极度;(人的)手足

  exuberant adj. 充满活力的

  exude v. 使慢慢流出,四溢

  eyewitness n. 目击者

  fable n. 寓言,神话;无稽之谈

  fabric n. 织物,布;结构,构造

  façade n. 正面,表面

  facetious adj. 幽默的,滑稽的;好开玩笑的

  facile adj. 容易做的;敏捷的;轻率浅薄的,非发自内心的

  facilitate vt. 使容易;有助于,促进

  facility n. 设施,设备;(供特定用途的)场所,军事机构

  “Don’t pay any attention to the façade,” said Ruth. “The external part of the restaurant is being renovated. It’s much nicer

  inside.” Ruth had extolled the restaurant so much that Linda felt compelled to try it.

  Linda sat down and stared at the menu. “The prices are extravagant.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll treat you,” Ruth replied. She had an exuberant smile. “Don’t you think this place exudes charm? Even the napkins are made of special fabric.”

  “I thought places like this were extinct in our district,” Linda said. She lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

  “Speaking of extinction, you’re not going to be in existence for much longer if you keep smoking,” Ruth said. Ruth thought Linda’s extremities were losing color due to her smoking. “Besides, it’s against the law to smoke in a public restaurant.”

  Just then, a police officer approached. “Madam, please extinguish your cigarette,” the policeman said. “I’m not trying to extort money from you but the law requires that you pay me a $300 fine.” The officer turned to Ruth. “You’re an eyewitness.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to extract it from somebody else because I don’t have $300,” Linda said.

  Ruth and the police officer laughed. “He’s being facetious,” Ruth said. “This is my boyfriend, James. He’s humorous, isn’t he?”

  Linda wasn’t amused. “Sure,” Linda said. “His joke was an funny as my last facelift. Next time, just tell me a fable.”

  “I thought it might facilitate your effort to quit smoking,” James said. “I’m dory if my facile effort upset you. Come to the police facility someday and I’ll show you around. However, the real reason I’m here is to give Ruth this diamond ring.”

  “It was so many beautiful facets!” Ruth sighed.

  James kneeled. “Will you marry me?”

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白度搜_经验知识百科全书 » 08年8.22第93期托福英语学习:托福词汇93




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