


Lesson 90 Executive Privilege 行政特权
  excess adj. 过度的,额外的;n. 过程,超过
  excessive adj. 过度的,过分的,过多的
  exchange n./vt. 兑换,交换
  exclaim vt. 呼喊;惊叫
  exclude vt. 把。。。排除在外;排斥
  exclusion n. 排除,逐出
  exclusive adj. 独占的;排外的,的
  excursion n. 远足,游览
  excuse vt. 原谅;n. 借口,理由
  execute vt. 完成,实施,执行
  execution n. 实施,执行
  executive adj. 行政的;n. 执行者;经理主管人员
  exemplary adj. 模范的,典范的,可效仿的
  exemplify vt. 例证,例示
  exempt vi. 免除,豁免
  exemption n. 解除,免除
  exert vt. 运用,行驶,施加
  exertion n. 尽力,努力
  exhale vt. 呼出,呼气
  exhaust vt. 用尽,耗尽;n. 排气,排气装置
  exhausted adj. 精疲力竭的
  “I thought that the punishment was excessive, didn’t you?” Shirley asked. Shirley was a supervisor and she thought she was exempt from the rule against using paid time to execute personal errands.
  “Maybe,” replied Kitty. “However, you did take an unauthorized excursion during work time.” Kitty was a supervisor too. Unlike Shirley, she exerted her best efforts to be an exemplary employee. She did not believe that Shirley had a good excuse for violating the rules.
  “All I did was to take a short walk to get rid of this excess fat,” Shirley exclaimed. “It seems like you can’t even exhale in this office without asking for permission.”
  “I thought you went to the store to exchange a shirt,” Kitty said.
  “I did,” Shirley said. “But it’s my privilege as an executive to take short breaks for personal matters. I see the managers taking personal breaks to smoke a cigarette. Why should I be excluded from the group? I put into my job the same a mount of exertion as they do. At the end of the day, I am just as exhausted. Taking personal breaks shouldn’t be an exclusive privilege for managers.”
  “It’s true, the managers don’t exemplify good behavior for supervisors,” Kitty said. “They’re more concerned with out execution of their orders. Frankly, I think we’ll just have to accept the fact of our exclusion from executive privilege.”
  “All this talk is exhausting me,” said Shirley. “I think I need another break.”
  Kitty shook her head in wonderment. “Haven’t you been listening to anything I’ve said?”

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白度搜_经验知识百科全书 » 08年8.19第90期托福英语学习:托福词汇90




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