


Unless the consignor(发货人), the person sending goods, or the consignee(收货人), the person receiving goods, wants to attend to any of the procedural and documentary formalities himself, it is usually the freight forwarder who undertakes on his behalf to process the movement of goods through the various stages involved. The freight forwarder may provide these services directly or through subcontractors or other agencies employed by him. He is also expected to utilize, in this connection, the services of his overseas agents. Briefly, these services are:

6.1 unless 一句我们可以先简化成:
Unless the consignor wants to attend to formalities himself, …
= If the consignor does not attend to formalities himself, …

6.1.1 只有当unless 解释成 “ 如果不 ” 的时候, 它才可以和 if not 互换句型.
因此, 我们不能随随便便地把 unless 翻译成 “除非” 或者 “如果不”

6.1.2 attend
(1) 及物动词. 解释 “出席, 参加” 例如: attend a meeting
(2) 不及物动词, 介词的固定搭配往往是 to. 解释 “注意, 专心, 专注”
例如: attend to one’s work
(3) 其名词形式. attention 例如: pay attention to
(4) 其形容词形式. attentive 介词的搭配还是 to

6.1.3 the procedural and documentary formalities
(1) the procedural formalities (程序上的手续)
procedural 形容词, “程序上的”
procedure 名词, “程序,步骤,过程”

(2) the documentary formalities (单证上的手续)
documentary 形容词, “单证上的”
documentary 一词在金融、贸易领域用得比较多,
例如: documentary draft (跟单汇票)
document 名词或动词, “单证, 为......提供单证”

(3) formality (正式的手续, 通常用名词的复数形式表示)
the customs formalities (海关手续)
go through due formalities (经过正式手续)

6.1.4 句末的himself 解释 “亲自”, 有强调主语或突出主语行为的作用.
我们可以这样理解: 如果发货人或收货人不想自己亲自去办理那些

6.2 it is ...... 一句我们可以先简化成:
... it is the freight forwarder who undertakes to process the movement
of goods...

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