


  Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The __1__ you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually __2__ you money or can add __3__ the cost.
  Take the __4__ example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might __5__ that you are making the __6__ buy if you choose one __7__ look you like and which is also the cheapest __8__ price. But when you get it home you may find that it __9__ twice as long as a more expensive __10__ to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well __11__ your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.
  So what principles should you __12__ when you go out shopping?
  If you __13__ your home, your car or any valuable __14__ in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long __15__.
  Before you buy a new __16__, talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular __17__.
  Before you buy an expensive __18__, or a service, do check the price and __19__ is on offer. If possible, choose __20__ three items or three estimates.
  1.A) form B) fashion C) way D) method
  2.A) save B) preserve C) raise D) retain
  3.A) up B) to C) in D) on
  4.A) easy B) single C) simple D) similar
  5.A) convince B) accept C) examine D) think
  6.A) proper B) best C) reasonable D) most
  7.A) its B) which C) whose D) what
  8.A) for B) with C) in D) on
  9.A) spends B) takes C) lasts D) consumes
  10.A) mode B) copy C) sample D) model
  11.A) cause B) make C) leave D) prove
  12.A) adopt B) lay C) stick D) adapt
  13.A) reserve B) decorate C) store D) keep
  14.A) products B) possession C) material D) ownership
  15.A) run B) interval C) period D) time
  16.A) appliance B) equipment C) utility D) facility
  17.A) function B) purpose C) goal D) task
  18.A) component B) element C) item D) particle
  19.A) what B) which C) that D) this
  20.A) of B) in C) by D) from
  1,The price of beer____________(从50美分到4美元不等) per liter during the summer season.
  2,The sports meet originally due to be held last Friday_______________(最终因天气不好而取消了).
  3,Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was_______________(忙着准备) her examination.
  4,Why didn’t you tell me you could me the money? I___________________________ (本来不必从银行借钱的)
  5,The room is in a terrible mess; it _____________________(肯定没打扫过).
  1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D
  6. B 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. D
  11. B 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A
  16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D
  1,语境题.对文章首段进行分析后,本题的解答会变得十分容易.前一句讲聪明购买是一种可以让你的钱花更长时间的积极方法.注意到前句中的a positive way,而本句则是对前一句提出的观点的进一步解释,所以本题应该选择way.这道题时间上用到了我讲过的复现结构的解题方法.
  2,语境题.本题是我讲过的标志词法解题的典型应用.分析句子The __1__ you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually __2__ you money or can add __3__ the cost.句中的宾语部分actually __2__ you money or can add __3__ the cost.中含有标志词or,而or前后的两部分结构是并列的,意思是相反的,即can actually __2__ you money和can add __3__ the cost.是两并列结构.由add可知后半部分是讲增加花费,则前半部分的意思应该是减少花费,即省钱的意思.所以本题答案为save.
  3,词汇搭配题.本题考查动词add与介词构成词组的意思的辨析.add up的意思为总计达,与总数相符;意味着;说得通,合情合理.add to的意思为增加,增添,补充.add in的意思为包括,把…加进去.add on的意思为另外加上去.由此可知本题应该选择add to.
  4,词汇搭配题.本题考查固定搭配take the simple example of意思为举一个简单的例子.
  5,语境题.本题的解答需要结合后面的内容判断.首先可以确定该句话为一个宾语从句.其次注意到下一句话But when you get it home you may find that...即但是当你把它带回家时你会发现...,由此可以判断前一句话是你自己认为的,下一句话为实际发生的,考察四个选项后可以确定正确答案为think.
  6,语境题.分析本句话注意到谓语为make,所填入的形容词修饰的名词为buy,buy的名词的意思为买卖,便宜货.并注意到后面的状语if you choose one __7__ look you like and which is also the cheapest __8__ price.意思为如果你选择的那个你看起来很喜欢并且价格上的.由此可以确定应该选择best.四个选项中的其他三个选项均无法修饰buy.
  7,语境题.本题用到的事我讲过的标志词法.分析句子if you choose one __7__ look you like and which is also the cheapest __8__ price.分析可知该句含有两个并列的定语从句,先行词均为one,由此可知该题应该选择与后面并列的which.
  9,语境题.分析本句话it __9__ twice as long as a more expensive __10__ to dry your hair.由句中的long可知是指用吹风机把头发弄干得时间的长短,由此可知需填入的词语应该是可以表示花费时间的词语.由此可知选择take.
  11,词汇搭配题.分析句子可知,本题填入的词汇需要满足搭配:V.(动词)+直接引语+间接宾语.由此可知应该选择make.make+直接引语+间接宾语,即make sb.sth.,其意思为使某人(或某物)...
  12,词汇搭配题.分析句子So what principles should you __12__ when you go out shopping?可知,本题考查选择一个动词可以与principles搭配.principles的意思为原理,原则.考察四个选项可知,应该选择adopt,其意思为采纳,采用.
  13,词汇搭配题.分析句子If you __13__ your home, your car or any valuable __14__ in excellent condition.可以发现,本题考查的结构是V.(动词) sth.in excellent condition.考查四个选项,keep sth.in excellent condition的意思是使某物处在良好的条件下.
  14,语境题.本题可以使用标志词法解题.由句中的逗号以及标志词or可知your home, your car以及any valuable __14__是相互并列的三个结构,并且前两者属于any valuable __14_中.考察四个选项可知,应该选择possession,其意思为财产.
  15,词汇搭配题.本题考查固定搭配in the long run,其意思为从长远观点来看,最终,终究,而其他三个选项均无此等搭配.
  16,语境题.本题的解答有赖于对本文的主题的理解.本文的首段中提到purchasing an article or a service,可知应该选择物品意思的词语.考察四个选项appliance意思为器具,用具,器械.equipment意思为器械,设备,有制成套的设备.utility意思为公用事业facility意思为便利设施.由此可知应该选择appliance.
  17,语境题.根据上下文的意思,并考察四个选项的意思后,可知本句的意思为如果你可以,使用它或借它来检验它适应你的特殊目的.本题的重点是区分purpose和goal的区别.两个词都有目标,目的的意思.goal侧重努力与野心的目标,英语解释是object of one’s effort or ambition;purpose强调“意图”,英语解释是thing intended;由此可知正确答案为purpose.
  19,语境题.分析句子do check the price and __19__ is on offer.由句中的and可知,the price和__19__ is on offer是相互并列的结构.考察四个选项,可以轻易的派出B,C,D三个选项,因为在前句中并没有找到指代的对象.所以正确答案为what.on offer的意思为在出售中.
  20,词汇搭配题.本题考查动词choose与介词构成的短语的意思的辨析.四个选项中只有from可以与choose搭配.choose from的意思为选择.
  1,ranges/varies from 50 cents to $4
  2,was finally called off/cancelled because of the bad weather
  3,busy preparing for
  4,needn’t have borrowed it from the bank.
  5,can’t have been cleaned

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